This paper presents the

This series provides a brief introduction to common knowledge and operations in Linux. Due to the scattered use of Linux at ordinary times, a lot of used knowledge exists unfamiliar, unclear use, unable to start, re-search data and other problems.

Therefore, I want to make a simple summary of some commonly used tips or knowledge, which is convenient for query and can quickly understand the use of a content. Of course, the system or in-depth study, but also need to find the corresponding official information or tutorial.

Because strive to be simple, concise, so most of the length is not very long, the basic pure word 200~500 words or so, code or shell content together may be more. Only the introduction of a very small number of knowledge, must be large to introduce complete [or almost complete], most of the short. In addition, encountered some good foreign languages, will also consider translation!

Thank you for your support.

Linux minimalist tips, common tips

Introduce two

Knowledge and commands in Linux are complicated. Unless you are a Linux veteran, you often encounter problems such as searching for information, forgetting commands, unclear meaning of some contents, and inaccurate understanding.

In the study and use, for some knowledge points of the record process, found that can be used in a relatively simple (rather than lengthy) way briefly listed, especially the use of functional, convenient learning, review, and as short as possible to introduce clearly, is also a great challenge.

Therefore, I decided to keep a brief, brief, practical and clear record of this aspect. This section provides some practical knowledge about Linux.


  • 8, Centos under sudo permission promotion, sudoers configuration details, permission management restrictions and the best example
  • How to configure and use PAM in Linux