The which-whereis-locate-grep find command is used

To find a file, you can use the following commands:

which View the location of executable files
whereis View the location of executable files and related files
locate With the database cache, quickly view the file location
grep Filter Matches, which is a file search tool
find Find relevant files

For example:

[root@xuegod63 ~]# which cd
[root@xuegod63 ~]# whereis cd
cd: /usr/bin/cd /usr/share/man/man1/cd1..gz /usr/share/man/man1p/cd1.p.gz
[root@xuegod63 ~]# whereis ls
ls: /usr/bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls1..gz /usr/share/man/man1p/ls1.p.g
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The locate command is a variant of the locate command, but it is much faster than the find command because it searches for a specific directory file. And locate it search is a database of/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate db, have all the files in the local information in the database; This database is created automatically by Linux and is automatically updated and maintained daily. The configuration information is stored in /etc/updatedb.conf, and the scheduled task information is stored in /etc/cron.daily/mlocate

[root@xuegod63 ~]# yum -y install mlocate
[root@xuegod63 mnt]# touch /opt/xuegod.txt
[root@xuegod63 mnt]# locate xuegod. TXT # locate xuegod
[root@xuegod63 mnt]If you are looking for files of the day, you need to manually update the updatedb database
[root@xuegod63 mnt]# locate xuegod
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Grep Search use

Function: Filter, which can use regular expressions to search for text and print the results as parameters:

-v The not
-i Ignore case
^ # Begin with #
# $ Ends in #
^ $ A blank line
-n Add line numbers to the filtered content
l Or means
[root@xuegod63 ~]# ps -aux | grep sshd | grep -v grep
root  1089  0.0  0.2 105996   4088 ?   Ss   20:19  0:00The/usr/sbin/SSHD - D [root @ xuegod63 ~]# cat/etc/passwd | grep ^ # with a a
[root@xuegod63 ~]# grep bash$/etc/passwd
[root@xuegod63 ~]# grep "nologin\|root" /etc/passwd | wc -lNote: \ indicates an escape character [root@xuegod63 ~]# egrep "nologin|root" /etc/passwd | wc -lNote: egrep is an enhanced version of grepCopy the code

The find command uses

Format: find pathname -options [-print] command word pathname option outputCopy the code

Parameter: pathname: path of the directory found by the find command. If no value is entered, it indicates the current directory. To represent the current directory, and/to represent the system root directory.

Find command options:

-name Find file ‘name’ by file name
-perm Find files by file permission. 666, 777, etc.
-user Find files by file owner
-group Find files by the group to which they belong
-mtime -n/ +n Finds the file by the time it was changed
– n Indicates that the file was changed within n days
+ n Indicates that the file was changed n days ago
-type Find a file of a certain type
b – Block device file
d- directory
c – Character device file
p – Pipeline file
l- Symbolic link file
f – Common file
-size n Finds files that match the specified file size
-exec Execute any other Linux command given by this parameter on the matching file. The corresponding command is of the form ‘command {} \ note {} and \; {} indicates the content to be found
Example 1: You want to find files in the root directory that have been changed within 1 day
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /root/ -mtime -1
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The -exec option can be followed by a custom SHELL command in the following format:

Example 2:

[root@xuegod63 ~]# touch {1, 2, 3}. The back
[root@xuegod63 mnt]# find . -name "*.back" -exec ls -l {} \;
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Example 3:

[root@xuegod63 ~]#   find . -name "*.back" -exec mv {} /opt \;
[root@xuegod63 ~]# ls /opt/
1.back  2.back   3.back  rh   xuegod.txt
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Example 4: copy the found file to a specified directory

[root@xuegod63 mnt]# find /root -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} /opt\;
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Example 5: Copy files with the xargs and find commands

-i indicates that the result passed by find to xargs is replaced by {} [root@xuegod63 ~].# rm -rf /opt/* [root@xuegod63 ~]# find . -name "*.txt" | xargs -i cp {} [root@xuegod63 ~]# ls /opt/Copy the code

Example 6: Find multiple types of files

The use of comparators:

-a And and
-o The or or
+ More than
[root@xuegod63 ~]# touch a.pdf
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find . -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.pdf"
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /etc -size +20k -a -size -50k | wc -l
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /etc -size +20k | wc -l
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Example 7: Search by permission: -perm

[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /bin/ -perm 755# is equal to the0755Permission file or directory [root@xuegod63 ~]# find /bin/ -perm-644 # find /bin/ -perm-644 # find /bin/ -perm-644
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For example, view the files or directories in the system whose permission is at least 777 and create some test files:

[root@xuegod63 ~]# mkdir ccc
[root@xuegod63 ~]# chmod 777 ccc
[root@xuegod63 ~]# mkdir test
[root@xuegod63 ~]# chmod 1777 test
[root@xuegod63 ~]# touch
[root@xuegod63 ~]# chmod 4777
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Looking for: [root@xuegod63 ~]# find /root/ -perm 777 [root@xuegod63 ~]# find /root/ -perm 1777 [root@xuegod63 ~]# find /root/ -perm 4777 example: Find the dangerous directory whose permission is no less than 777 in the system

[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /root/ -perm-777 # find /root/ -perm-777 # find /root/ -perm-777
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Example: the system permission is not lower than 777 dangerous files to find out

[root@xuegod63 ~]# find / -type f -perm-777
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Example 8: Directory depth to look for:

-maxdepth 1 # Searches for files and directories at the first level of the directory. For example, searches for files in the /bin directory with permission equal to 644

[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /etc/ -maxdepth 1 -perm 644 | more
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /bin/ -maxdepth 1 -perm 755 #/bin
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find /bin -maxdepth 1-perm 755 # find /bin -maxdepth 1-perm 755 #
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Example 9: Find all the files belonging to user1 in the system, and put this file in the /root/findresults directory

Note: /root/findresults this needs to be created in advance.

root@xuegod63 ~]# mkdir /root/findresults
[root@xuegod63 ~]# useradd user1
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find / -user user1 -exec cp -a {} /root/findresults/
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# error when copying files to keep all properties of the original file:

Find: '/ proc /43475/task/43475/fd/6': no file or directory find:' /proc/43475/task/43475/fdinfo/6': no file or directory find:' /proc/43475/fd/6': no file or directory find:' /proc/43475/fdinfo/6': No file or directory cp: No directory"/home/user1"To override non-directories"/root/findresults/user1"
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Can I create file user1 and folder user1 in the same directory? Is the file name created in the same directory the same as the directory name? Can not be

[root@xuegod63 ~]# touch abc
[root@xuegod63 ~]# mkdir abcMkdir: Cannot create directory"abc": The file already existsCopy the code


[root@xuegod63 ~]# find / -user user1 # find
[root@xuegod63 ~]'/var/spool/mail/user1
[root@xuegod63 ~]# ll /home/user1The names of /var/spool/mail/user1 and /home/user1 are the same. While both are copied to /root/findresults/, /var/spool/mail/user1 is copied first, so /home/user1 cannot be copied. [root@xuegod63 ~]# mv /var/spool/mail/user1
[root@xuegod63 ~]# rm -rf /root/findresults/ *
[root@xuegod63 ~]# find / -user mk -exec cp -a {} /root/findresults/ \;
[root@xuegod63 ~]# mv /var/spool/mail/user1.mail/var/spool/mail/user1 #Copy the code
This is the end of the article for more technology +Copy the code