1. Common protection wall commands
- Start: systemctl start firewalld
- Check the status: Systemctl status Firewalld
- Stop: systemctl disable firewalld
- Disable: systemctl stop Firewalld
2. Common mysql commands
- Connect to database:
- Mysql -h host address -u user name -p user password
- Log in to the local host: mysql-uroot -p Password of the user
- Show databases;
- Create database databasename;
- Select a database: use databasename;
- Run the SQL command source /root/xxx.sql(the absolute path of the SQL file).
- To display a table: show tables
- Flush: Flush PRIVILEGES;
3. Common Linux commands
- Download the zip: wget + download link
- Decompress the package tar -zxvf +
- Move file: MV + current folder or file path + location to move
- Copy files: cp + current folder or file path + location to move
- To view the host IP address, run hostname -i