This paper is participating in the30 years of Linux”Topic essay activity

Architecture of the Linux operating system:

– The Linux OPERATING system has a tree structure:

Eg: /etc/1.txt

Note:1. /etc/1.TXT this is a path that can represent the location of a directory and it can also represent the location of a data.2./ (root) : The directory that contains all data and all content is called the root directory.Copy the code

– Root Directory Common directory:

/boot: stores the boot file, including the kernel and file system configuration. /etc: stores the configuration files of various programs. /home: stores the home directory of common users. /root: home directory of the root user. /bin: stores various running programs and executable files. / TMP: stores temporary files when the system is running. /var: A directory for storing mail messages, logs, and other changing information. /dev/directory for storing hardware such as mouse and keyboard. /sbin: stores various running programs and executable files.Copy the code
       'Note:'Linux Hard disk and hard disk interface:1) Hard disk interface is divided into IDE and SCSI these two and interface2The difference between AN IDE and SCSI is the interface stability.`ide<scsi`, ide interface into` columnar `SCSI is'Chipped'.3In Linux, /dev/hda stands for ide interface, and /dev/sda stands for SCSI interface disk. (A indicates the disk sequence number.)1(Blue is the table of contents2Black is for text documents3) Green represents executable programs4) Cyan means shortcutCopy the code

– Common knowledge points:

Cat /etc/redhat-release (Check the Linux version)Copy the code

Lscpu (Viewing CPU information)Copy the code

Cat /proc/meminfoCopy the code

Uname -i (view kernel version, also called hardware architecture)Copy the code

Hostname (Displays the user name of the current system.)Copy the code

		1.The hostname command can only be used to configure temporary host names.2.And the hostname query is complete but the hostname indicated by the identifier is not fully displayed. This is because the host name is only displayed first from left to right. Preceding string)3.To configure a permanent hostname, go to /etc/hostname and restart.Copy the code
Ifconfig (Lists information about active network cards.)Copy the code

Ifconfig + nic name + IP (mask can not be written, because the system automatically determines that it is a, B, C address)

		1.Ifconfig is also a temporary IP configuration command (nmcli can be used to permanently configure IP, which we will discuss later).2.In addition to the name of the network card, we also need to know these two fields (RX inbound traffic, TX outbound traffic).Copy the code

Create directory:

Mkdir + create a directory`-p`Suitable for creating multi-layer directoriesCopy the code

– Create text document:

Touch + creates text documentsCopy the code

– Filter text document content tool

      grep "Filter field"Common options for filtering target file paths:`-i`-- Search fields ignore case`-v`-- Output all fields except the lookup field (reverse lookup)`-q`-- No screen echo is performed if the corresponding field is found or not found`-w`Find fixed word common parameter:` ^... `-- What does the search start with`... $`-- Where does the search end$` ` ^-- Find the space fieldCopy the code