“This is the fourth day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge.”
Control statements
1.1 Select the if statement
If controls only one statement
ifStatement1; ==> If {} is not specified,ifApplies only to nearby sentences. statements2;
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if(Judgment condition){// If the condition is true, execute the contents of {}Statements; }Copy the code
if(Judgment condition){// If the condition is true, execute statement 1, otherwise execute statement 2;statements1;
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if(judgment condition)1){===> If the corresponding condition is true, the contents of {} will be executed}else if(judgment condition)2){
}else if(judgment condition)3){
}else{}Copy the code
1.2 Switch /case control statements
- The expression must be enclosed in parentheses after the switch;
- Case is followed by a constant integer or a character. No variables or comma operators are allowed.
- The constants after each case must not have the same value;
- Case and default are just one entry label, not interrupt function, the order can be reversed arbitrarily;
Implementation process:
- If the value is the same as a case, the statement after the case is executed,
- If this value is different from a case, skip to default and execute later
- This value is not the same as a case. There is no default, and switch is displayed.
on sample
char grade
scanf ("%c",grade)
case 'a': printf("good");break; (1)case 'b': printf("better");break; The essaydefault: printf("bad");
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- There is no break(⑴⑵)
- Type a and press Enter. The output is goodBetterbad
- Type B and press Enter. The output is betterbad
- Keyboard input C press Enter, output: bad
- Only break (1)
- Keyboard input a press enter, output: good
- Type B and press Enter. The output is betterbad
- Keyboard input C press Enter, output: bad
- Have a break (1) [2]
- Keyboard input a press enter, output: good
- Keyboard input B press Enter, output: better
- Keyboard input C press Enter, output: bad
- Only break [2]
- Type a and press Enter, output: goodbetter
- Keyboard input B press Enter, output: better
- Keyboard input C press Enter, output: bad
Syntax format:
switch(variable) {caseconstant1: {statement1; statements1; statements1;
}break; // Break is the end switch/case
caseconstant2Statements:2; break;
caseconstant3Statements:3; break;
caseconstant4Statements:4; break;
caseconstant5Statements:5; break;
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switch(variable) {caseconstant1Statements:1; // If the variable is equal to the constant, execute statement 1
Because there is no break, statement 2 is executed
caseconstant2Statements:2; break; // Break is the end switch/case
caseconstant3Statements:3; break;
caseconstant4Statements:4; break;
caseconstant5Statements:5; break;
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switch(variable) {caseconstant1Statements:1; // If the variable is equal to the constant, execute statement 1
// Since there is no break, statement 2 is executed
caseconstant2Statements:2; break; // Break is the end switch/case
caseconstant3Statements:3; break;
caseconstant4Statements:4; break;
caseconstant5Statements:5; break;
defaultN: statements;// Execute the case first, no matter whether the default position is in the first or last place.
// If the variable is not equal to the previous constant, the statement n is executed
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2. Loop statements
2.1 the do while
do{circulatory body; }while(cyclic condition);Copy the code
The body of the loop is executed once to determine whether the condition is true. If the condition is true, the body of the loop is executed again. The loop does not exit until the loop condition is false.
2.2 while
while(cyclic condition){cyclic body; }Copy the code
Determines whether the loop condition is true. If the loop condition is true, the loop body is executed. The loop does not exit until the loop condition is false.
2.3 For loop statements
The syntax of the for loop
for(/* initialize */; /* condition */; /* loop */) {// The initial condition cycles the addition/subtraction of the condition variableThe loop body. }Copy the code
For example: o1- 100.And of thefor(i=1; i<=100; i++){ sum+=i; }for(i=1,sum=0; i<=100; i++){ sum+=i; } i=1;
for(; i<=100; i++){ sum+=i; } i=1;
for(; i<=100;) { sum+=i++; } i=1;
for(;;) {//--->while(1)
if(i>100)break; // End the loop on the nearest layer
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2.4 Nesting of for loops
for(i=0; i<100; i++){ for(j=0; j<10; J++){body 2; } circulatory body 1; }
Use loop nesting to do the following: ****** I =0 j=0 k=line
***** i=1 j=1 k=line- 1
**** i=2 j=2
* i<line j<line- 1 k=1Analysis:1.The variable through I is how many lines line; i=0 i<line;
2.The space in this line is represented by the variable j=0 j<line- 1
3.The number of * represented by the variable code k=line k>=1
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* i=0 4The blank space1A * * * * I =1 3The blank space3A * * * * * * I =2 2The blank space5A * * * * * * * * I =3 1The blank space7A * * * * * * * * * * I =4 1The blank space9Analysis:1.The variable through I is how many lines line; i=0 i<line;
2.The space in this line is represented by the variable jfor(j=0; j<line- 1-i; j++){printf("");
3.The variable code through k represents the number of *for(k=0; k<2*i+1; k++){printf("*");
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2.5 a goto
Goto is a jump statement that can be used as follows:
goto tt; //tt or aa is a tag (string)
Aa: statement1; statements2; Tt: statement3;goto aa;
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Note: Goto statements cannot be used across functions. Goto statements break the logical structure of the code. In addition, goto statements make code execution less efficient. In many companies goto statements are forbidden. The Goto statement is used in the Linux kernel to unify error handling.
2.6 the continue/break/return;
- Continue: the loop is skipped and the next loop is executed.
- Break: exit the loop at the nearest level, or end the switch statement.
- Return: Exits a function, freeing the memory used by the function, and returning a result.