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Create a SQL statement to get the second highest height of players

Table definition: Players

The column name type annotation
id int unsigned A primary key
height int Player height


The column name of the output is second_height

The sample

A sample:

Table content: Players

id height
1 198
2 226
3 200
4 226

As in the players table above, the SQL query should return 200 as the second highest height. If there is no second highest height, the query should return NULL


Example 2:

Table content: Players

id height
1 198
2 198
3 198

As in the players table above, SQL queries should return NULL


Answer key

Method 1

First, find the maximum height, and then, based on the maximum height, find the second highest value.

Using the Max function, first find the maximum value, then pick out all numbers less than the maximum value, and again use Max to find the second largest value.

select max(height) as second_height from players
where height < (select max(p1.height) from players p1);

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This uses not in (! =) find the other height values, and then, among the remaining height values, find the second largest height value.Copy the code

select max(height) second_height from players where height not in (select max(height) from players );

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Method 2

This solution is mainly a pagination idea, first sort by height, then use limit and offset to find the second one.

select (select distinct height second_height from players
order by height desc 
limit 1 
offset 1) as second_height 
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Solution 3

The IFNULL() function is used to determine whether the first expression is NULL and returns the value of the second argument if it is NULL and the value of the first argument if it is not NULL.

The syntax for IFNULL() is:

Select ifnull((select distinct height from players order by height desc limit 1,1),null) as second_height;Copy the code
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