As someone who works during the day and uses React, I like to learn the interesting React news. So, I saved a lot of links. Allow me to pour out my latest pile. Most of them are about React, but not all of them.

  • React 18 plans — A group of people from the React team posted this post to give us all an idea of what’s coming. Alpha is out, beta is still a few months away. I think Cassidy’s article is the most clear on what we might care about.

  • React Query- looks like a pretty powerful tool…… “React missing data acquisition library.” Don’t know how I could have missed it, as it seemed even more popular than Apollo. I’m happy with using Apollo (my biggest pain as a user is that the error reports aren’t clear), and it’s probably the right choice if you’re interested in GraphQL, but React Query looks pretty good, with clear documentation and nice DevTools.

  • Data retrieval in Redux is made easy with RTK Query – Matt Stobbs introduced RTK Query, which looks like another alternative to Apollo/React Query. Look at the Redux store in the app you’re working on right now. If it’s anything like mine, you’ll see a mix of data from the background (represented as caching) and UI state (not persisted when the page reloads). The two types of data are treated as the same, which ultimately makes them more complex.

  • Timely translation and Self-written code -Dan Laush looks at a bunch of modern options for conditional and lazy loading JavaScript. This stuff may be more complicated than it should be, but it’s getting better. Suspense in React 18 helps. The top-level await is helpful. Load what you need when you need it. Astro is good at this. Speaking of which, Nicholas C. Zakas’s “The Lazy-Loading Property Pattern in JavaScript “is a great read that has a clever pattern for defining objects that only do expensive things once, when asked, Lazy, and then use the results to redefine that attribute in yourself.

  • Introducing JSX into the template literal – people think of JSX as the React thing, which is a bit fair, but it’s really a stand-alone thing that can be used with other frameworks (Preact and even Vue, of course). In the previous video, we saw how it can work without a framework. Andrea Giammarchi delves into it here and shows how it works with the already well preset template typefaces. You can see it in action in CodePen via UHTML, ULAND, UBE or lit-html.

  • The React Hooks. Composite components – Hats off to Kent Dodds! We’ve already started using it in CodePen’s pattern library. This is helpful in keeping components consistent, rather than a sprawling tree of similarly named child components shared with hand-scrolling states.

  • JavaScript. What the hell does that even mean? -Jake Archibald posted a classic article on This.

  • Human-readable JavaScript. A story by two experts, Laurie Barth, compares examples of code that does the same thing, but has different readability. There is not always a straight answer “…… But when you see code that does the same thing, your judgment should be based on the human — the human consumption of code.”

  • Petite-vue-jquery is amazing, there’s a lot of great jQuery code out there, but the reason jQuery is kind of looked down upon now is because the code base is messy. We learned some lessons. While inline JavaScript handlers were once held in grave contempt, almost every popular JavaScript library today brings them back. But suppose something like React is too heavy for you — what is jQuery for lightweight page interactivity? Vue hovers somewhere in between, more like a “big frame”. Alpine. Js could be a major player. But here comes Vue again, mocking Alpine with a version of its own that’s very small and does the same thing.

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