This is the 16th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Other ways to implement linked lists

In the previous three sections we learned what a LinkedList is and implemented the append, removeAt, and insert methods. In this section we’ll implement the other methods of the LinkedList class.


The toString method converts the linkedList object to a string.

function LinkedList () {
    / / the node class
    let Node = function (element) {
           this.element = element
  = null
    // List number
    let length = 0 
    // Reference to the first node
    let head = null
    this.toString = function () {
        let current = head
        let string = ' '
        while (current) {
            string += ', ' + current.element
            current =
        return string.slice(1)}}Copy the code

First, to turn a list into a string output, we need to loop the list from beginning to end. The starting point is head, and the variable used for the loop is current, whose initial value is head, and if current exists, we concatenate current. Element. And points current to the next item, current. Next, until current does not exist and breaks out of the loop to return the final concatenated string


The indexOf method takes the value of an element and returns its position if it is found in the list, otherwise -1

function LinkedList () {
    / / the node class
    let Node = function (element) {
           this.element = element
  = null
    // List number
    let length = 0 
    // Reference to the first node
    let head = null
    this.indexOf = function (element) {
        let current = head
        let index = 0
        while (current) {
            if(current.element === element){
                return index
            current =
        return -1}}Copy the code

To compare whether the value passed in is in the list, or whether we need to loop the list from beginning to end, or whether we use current as the loop variable with an initial value of head and declare index to mark the position at which element is found. The initial value is 0 and the loop starts. If current is present, compare element to the element of the current item, if it is, return index, if not, add index and point current to current. Next. If current is empty, it is at the end of the list or the list is empty. The loop does not execute and returns -1

Remove, isEmpty, Size, and getHead methods

Now that we’ve implemented the previous methods, it’s easy to implement the rest

function LinkedList () {
    / / the node class
    let Node = function (element) {
           this.element = element
  = null
    // List number
    let length = 0 
    // Reference to the first node
    let head = null
    this.remove = function (element) {
        let index = this.indexOf(element)
        return this.removeAt(index)
    this.Empty = function () {
        return!!!!! length }this.size = function () {
        return length
    this.getHead = function () {
        return head
Copy the code

At this point, we’ve implemented all of the linked list methods.