Recently, the company needs to access line, which happens to be in charge of overseas projects. Therefore, we need to explore the access process and development steps, and then ask our colleagues at the front and back end to develop them. The main online materials are the traditional Chinese characters of Taiwan, the writing is not clear, the official is not clear, so here to write the process I have explored.
Line official account developer address:
Line public number access
Log in to the line account and create the Provider
After creating the Provider, create a Message Channel
After creating a Channel, open Chanel Settings and drag it to the bottom to find a QR code to follow the public account
Scan the QR code through line APP to follow the official account
Manager. Line. Biz/account / @ 71… This is the management website of the public number, you can add sub-menu, set up the reply information when concerned, etc..
Line applets access
Enter the public account background, open Channel, select LIFF
Size refers to the popup Size of the applet. The Endpoint URL is the address of the applet, which has not been set yet. BLE feature refers to bluetooth. Since the applets address has not been configured, so here is not confirmed, first go to add the applets.
Register and login Heroku:
I have already created the Demo APP, first install Heroku CLI, and then click the following steps in the command line tool, directly clone to the local can be modified
Did not create a demo look here, this is the line access official demo development documentation address developers. Line. Biz/en/docs/lif…
After creating good app, back to the second step, because in the previous steps to create the app, so the address is
Once created, you can see the LIFF URL, chat in Line and send it, then click on this link to go to the demo page you just added, and use this link (…). Scanning outside of line using this link jumps directly to the applet inside line
Clone down the local folder, modify the files inside and then push up to update the applet
In fact, the whole process of accessing line was quite simple. It took about two days to test the whole process and deploy it.