
Projects included in this issue: 8

This issue contains project categories: GraphQL, NodeJS, React, Angular, Project, and others


  • The Ngrx-Forms, React, and Vue communities have optimized forms like Formil and Formily, and now the Angular community has NGRx-Forms! . As is obvious from the name, nGRX-Form is based on NGRX, a bit like Redux-Form in this respect. Of course, the learning cost is higher, after all, NGRX includes @Ngrx/Store, @Ngrx/Router-store, @Ngrx/Entity and six or seven modules suitable for different scenarios.


  • React-static is a framework for generating static pages on react. To be frank, this is a project I recently discovered. I originally thought that the mainstream SSG framework of the React community was mainly NextJS and Gatsby, plus the upstart Dumi. The highlight is the overall support for the React ecosystem.


  • Piscina, the thread pool implementation of NodeJS, was a novelty for me, who had never learned another backend language.


  • Graphql-crunch, reduce the volume of the GraphQL response by flatting the GraphQL response >>> check for duplicate keys >>> replace duplicate keys with first occurrence key references. (Crazy, GraphQL does a great job of reducing the response size by only fetching the required fields, but humans aren’t satisfied yet.)


  • Changesets: provides the version and CHANGELOG management solution for Monorepo. The idea is to use a proprietary.Changeset folder under your project to manage multiple Changesets (that is, the changes you make), and then use the CLI to merge the changesets into this release. In this respect, it is completely different from Lerna-Changelog, which generates Changelog based on all PR merged after the last tagged commit history.
  • Type-fest, a set of TS tool types that feel more practical than Utility-types and aren’t too fancy to implement.


  • Json-schema-to-ts: Obtains the TS type from JSON schema. It’s a bit like Fastify, a framework that sells: Quick! This is several times faster than the native JSON.stringify method in JSON output scenarios because Fastify gets the types of various fields in JSON from JSON Schema. Instead of having to prepare a different serialization method each time for a different type of field, as the native json.stringify method did, this idea was isolated as fastify/fast-json-stringify, which requires a JSON Schema to be passed in.
  • Peerjs, those who have objects may have thought of making a small toy for objects that can watch movies with multiple devices and synchronize the progress. Peerjs is used for this purpose. Based on WebRTC, it has optimized the audio and video stream. If you can’t write native, you can write web pages. Here is a simple demo of peerjs-video. Open two web pages and enter the peer ID of one web page to connect of the other web page.

See you next time