When users share, links are the most commonly used form. However, as some social platforms have more and more strict restrictions on link sharing, some links have complicated links and many restrictions, which seriously affect users’ experience.

This will not only directly affect App drainage, and will even be bad comments from users, but also be abandoned by users. Therefore, we need to optimize the sharing function to avoid the risk of restriction and improve user experience.

Take tao password in the e-commerce industry as an example. In the face of the strict management of wechat platform, Taobao developed Tao password for users, cleverly avoiding platform restrictions. Complex and changeable text messages, from conventional Chinese characters to Martian text, not only do not affect user recognition, but also can avoid wechat background shielding.

Today, we will demonstrate how to overcome the disadvantages of short chain sharing by combining the closed loop function of ** ShareSDK developed by MobTech developers. _

[ShareSDK] Generates text passwords by storing scene information. After the password is copied, the scenario information can be restored. For example, in the e-commerce platform, we store the scene information of _ commodity price, discount information, commodity picture address, commodity description information, etc., and generate a text password with a propaganda slogan. The diagram below:

private void QuickPassWord() { HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map. put("key1", "lipstick "); HashMap<String, Object> paramsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); paramsMap.put("params", map); String paramasStr = "Think what you think, high-end brand for high-end you "; ShareSDK.preparePassWord(paramsMap, paramasStr, new LoopSharePasswordListener()); }Copy the code

The password generated in this way is not easy to be blocked by the platform, but also can highlight the focus of the product’s advertising copy.

But is that the optimal solution?

In the actual attempt, we found that after users copied Tao password, they did not directly jump to the product details page, but had to exit the wechat they were using and open the App to identify Tao password for scene restoration. From the perspective of function realization, the scene can only be restored after users exit wechat, which is a “sensible” and “interrupted” way of users, which will cause the aversion of some users.

So when we updated ** [ShareSDK] **, MobTech developers made some improvements. We started a service in the background of the App that can listen for changes to the clipboard, so that when users share password information with **_ product information, tagline, and App logo to their friends on wechat, QQ, etc. After the friend copies the password, the clipboard change event triggers our code to try to restore the password scene.

class MyService extends Service { @Nullable @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } @Override public void onCreate() { registerClipEvents(); } / / private void registerClipEvents() {final ClipboardManager mClipboardManager = (ClipboardManager)  getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); ClipboardManager.OnPrimaryClipChangedListener mOnPrimaryClipChangedListener = new ClipboardManager.OnPrimaryClipChangedListener() { @Override public void onPrimaryClipChanged() { if (mClipboardManager.hasPrimaryClip() && mClipboardManager.getPrimaryClip().getItemCount() > 0) { parasQuickPassWord(); }}}; mClipboardManager.addPrimaryClipChangedListener(mOnPrimaryClipChangedListener); } private void parasQuickPassWord() {sharesdk.readPassword (false, new LoopSharePasswordListener() { @Override public void onResult(Object var1) { } @Override public void onError(Throwable var1) { } }); }}Copy the code

If the password is detected, we will directly restore the scene parameters in the wechat chat interface, and users can click to switch to the scene in wechat, making the whole process more smooth and less sensitive. The diagram below:

But does that complete the process?

The most deadly part of the text password is that if the user has not installed the App indicated by the password, there is no way to raise the interface to prompt the user to install. To remedy this shortcoming, MobTech combines links shared in a closed loop with text.

String paramasStr = "Think what you think, high-end brand for high-end you, or click on the link https://www.baodi.com to go to the product details page "; ShareSDK.preparePassWord(paramsMap, paramasStr, new LoopSharePasswordListener()); }Copy the code

If the user does not install the App, after the user clicks the link, the user will be prompted to “long press the url to copy and use the browser to visit” **. When the user opens the browser to copy the link, the product information will be displayed and the user will be prompted to download and install the App. When users open the App for the first time, they can return to the original scene, which properly solves the problem that the text password cannot prompt users to download the App. The diagram below:

Although link sharing may solve 80% of users’ sharing needs, there will always be some users who go beyond the functions provided by existing products and put forward new requirements, and there will also be some App developers who go beyond the existing products and put forward new function points.

Then, developers and product managers in polishing a product, after meeting the basic needs of users, may as well try to do beyond the needs of users, beyond similar products innovation and breakthrough, more conducive to your product leading the industry, occupy the core market.