Component design idea:

By observing theLifeOwner(Activity)theLifeCycle EventIn the ActivityonDestroyAnd release all of itDisposable

Learn more about LifeOwner in this article: Introduction to Android Architecture Components


In activities and Fragments

    .subscribe {
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All activities in the project inherit from AppCompatActivity. AppCompatActivity is itself a LifeOwner.

The Fragment itself is also the LifeOwner object, used the same way as above.

In the View of

    .subscribe {
    .disposeOnDestroy(context as AppCompatActivity)
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For a View that relies on an Activity, the Context is an AppCompatActivity (compatactivity), so there is a strong compatactivity.

Does the view context have to be an Activity? Check out this article:

Does view.getContext () necessarily return an Activity object?

That is, on systems 5.0 and aboveAvctivity, i.e.,LifeOwner, so we still need to pay attention to this strong rotation.

PS: Currently our project minSdkVersion is 21. If it’s not, you can’t use it that way.

In the Presenter

    .subscribe {
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Since all MVPS in our project inherit views from the following interface:

interface BaseLifeCycleView {
    fun lifeContext(): AppCompatActivity
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So view.lifecontext () above is the LifeOwner.

In the Application

    .subscribe {
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ProcessLifecycleOwner is also a component in Android Architecture Components that can be used to observe the entire app lifecycle.

DisposeOnStop extension function

This is used in the same way as disposeOnDestroy, except that all disposables are released on OnStop.

Does not support

Service, BroadcastReceiver, and ContentProvider are not supported because they are not lifeOwners. But you can simply inherit it and make it LifeOwner yourself.

Realize the principle of

The implementation principle is simple:

aLifeOwnerObject to create aLifeObserverIt holdsLifeOwnerAll of theDisposable. inLifeOwner's Lifecycle. Event. ON_DESTROY, releaseLifeOwnerAll of theDisposable

There are two main components:


It is a LifecycleObserver that holds the LifecycleOwner and is responsible for all of its Disposable releases.

internal class DestroyLifeCycleObserver(val lifeOwner: LifecycleOwner) : LifecycleObserver {

    private val disposableList = ArrayList<Disposable>()
    var requestRemoveLifecycleObserver: RequestRemoveLifecycleObserver? = null

    init {

    fun onDestroy() {
        LogUtils.d(TAG, "${getKey()} OnLifecycleEvent ON_DESTROY , disposableList.size : ${disposableList.size}")
        disposableList.forEach {
            if(! it.isDisposed) { it.dispose() } } requestRemoveLifecycleObserver? .requestRemoveDestroyObserver(this) } fun addDisposable(disposable: Disposable) {if (disposable.isDisposed) return

    fun getKey() = lifeOwner.toString()
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DestroyLifeCycleObserver Is responsible for maintaining all lifecycleObservers, using the DestroyLifeCycleObserver example:

object GlobalRxDisposeManager { private val rxLifecycleObservers = HashMap<String, DestroyLifeCycleObserver? >() fun getLifecycleObserver(key: String): DestroyLifeCycleObserver? {return rxLifecycleObservers[key]

    fun addLifecycleObserver(lifeCycleObserver: DestroyLifeCycleObserver) {
        rxLifecycleObservers[lifeCycleObserver.getKey()] = lifeCycleObserver
        lifeCycleObserver.requestRemoveLifecycleObserver = object : RequestRemoveLifecycleObserver {
            override fun requestRemoveDestroyObserver(observer: DestroyLifeCycleObserver) {
                LogUtils.d(TAG, "destroyLifeCycleObserver size : ${destroyLifeCycleObserver.size}")}... }}... }Copy the code

DisposeOnDestroy extension function

Combine GlobalRxDisposeManager and DestroyLifeCycleObserver and simplify use:

fun Disposable.disposeOnDestroy(lifeOwner: LifecycleOwner): Disposable {
    LogUtils.d(TAG, "life owner key : ${lifeOwner}")
    var lifecycleObserver = GlobalRxDisposeManager.getDestroyObserver(lifeOwner.toString())

    if (lifecycleObserver == null) {
        lifecycleObserver = DestroyLifeCycleObserver(lifeOwner)


    return this
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Source: RxLifeCycleExtensions

Android Advanced – LifeOwner based RxJava Memory Leak solution