“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

I am an Android developer and currently work for Bytedance. It has been more than 8 years since I graduated and came to Shenzhen. He has been working on Android for more than five years.

2021 is an important point in my age, my twenty-something youth, used up.

Some long-term goals were achieved; There are also many regrets.

Year-end summary: last year is past don’t remonstrate, newcomers can chase | 2020 year-end summary

Summary in the middle of this year: In this half year, I bought a house and got the offer from a big factory

A review,

1. Q1

1. Output 3 Jetpack articles:

Jetpack AAC series: Jetpack AAC

Jetpack AAC: Exploring the MVVM-Android architecture

“Finally Understand” series: Jetpack AAC complete analysis (5) DataBinding recognition!

2. Finish the algorithm course

3, did not do the problem, did not write an article.

On the whole, the output goal of the article has not been completed because of the Chinese New Year and personal important matters.

2. Second quarter

The second quarter is basically doing questions, preparing for interviews, interviews. The article has no output.

3. Q3

Interview in July to get the offer, August to start. The entire third quarter was the most laid-back and comfortable in recent years.

4. Fourth quarter

Output article: “Finally Understand” series: APK installation process full analysis!

Second, analyse

2.1 Achievement of technical objectives

in content completion note
January 1.JetPack series: ViewModel, MVVM architecture, Room (database), output 3 blogs; 2. Courses: Introduction to algorithm, algorithm sorting, sorting and merging; Algorithm problem 10. Completion % 75: 3 blogs have been published; Algorithm overview, algorithm sort see half. Do not make. The unfinished part of algorithm learning will be made up in February. In January, the overall ease, but slightly less efficient.
February 1. Performance optimization series: layout, output 1 blog; 2. Learning courses: recursion and exhaustion, greed and divide and conquer, dynamic planning and backtracking; Algorithm problem 10. Completion % 30: Layout optimization is not output; The course read, did not do ///
March 1. Performance Optimization series: Memory &leakCanary, output 1 blog; 2. 10 arithmetic questions. Completion % 0: Blog not output, not done See house to buy a house
April 1. Performance optimization series: Caton &BlockCanary, package volume, output 2 blogs; 2. 10 arithmetic questions. Completion % 30: No blog output; Complete 25 questions The blog currently owes 4 performance tuning posts; Prepare for a second interview
May AOP series: APT, AspectJ, ASM, output 1 blog; 2. 10 arithmetic questions. Completion % 50: The blog is not output; Complete 30 questions Currently, there are 4 papers on performance optimization and 1 on AOP. The interview
June AOP series: APT, AspectJ, ASM, output 2 blogs; 2. 10 arithmetic questions. Completion % 10: No blog output, 5 posts completed Currently, there are 4 papers on performance optimization and 1 on AOP. The interview
July 1. Android source code: understand Context, AMS, WMS; Based on “Advanced Decryption”, output 1 blog; 2. 10 arithmetic questions. Completion % 0: The article is not output The interview offer
August 1. Android source code: Java virtual machine, ClassLoader; Based on “Advanced Decryption”, output 1 blog; 2. 10 arithmetic questions. Completion % 0: The article is not output induction
September 1. Kotlin learning; 2. Understanding of design patterns: “Android source code design pattern analysis and combat”, chapter 1-6; 3. Understand HTTPS and encryption. 4. 10 algorithm questions. Completion % 0 /
October 1. Kotlin learning; 2. Understanding of design patterns: “Android source code design pattern analysis and combat”, chapter 7-10; 3. Understand signatures and hardening. 4. 10 algorithm questions. Completion % 0 /
November 1. Kotlin learning; 2. Understanding of design patterns: “Android source code design pattern analysis and combat”, chapter 11-14; 3. Java foundation strengthened; 4. 10 algorithm questions. Completion % 0 /
December 1. Kotlin learning; 2. Design pattern understanding: “Android source code design pattern analysis and combat”, chapter 15-18; 3. 10 algorithm questions. Completion % 0 /
  1. Plan: At least 12 blog posts in total-> Output 4 piece
  2. Complete mastery of performance optimization-> A lack of
  3. Knowledge of using AOP-> A lack of
  4. Data structures and algorithms, at least 120 questions-> 50% complete
  5. Master Kotlin-> 50% complete
  6. Deep understanding of using common design patterns-> A lack of
  7. The number of public accounts has reached 2000; Nuggets upgrade Lv4-> The number of fans of the official account is 1212, and the driving force value is 3079 or Lv3, which has not been reached

See the technical target achievement rate of 10%.

Cause analysis:

  1. Added important personal matters to be dealt with with higher priority.
  2. The goal is not strong enough, not related to the big goal, the plan is not relevant to the new job, and the inner drive is not enough.
  3. Content scheduling is tight, not reserved buffer, can not be compatible with higher priority unplanned items.
  4. There were many black holes in the third and fourth quarters.

Correction method:

  1. The scope of the program was expanded, and important personal matters were taken into account and prioritized.
  2. Develop plans based on job/vision relevance and priorities, and continue to revise the annual plan during implementation.
  3. Need detailed plan, every weekend, the end of the month, the end of the quarter, half a year progress review.
  4. Create their own rewards and punishments, continue to think about the results of the rematch, reduce the time black hole. Take fragmentation time into consideration and schedule appropriately.

2.2 Achievement of life goals

Health: Uric acid 530 drops to 428 -> 474, not done

Hobbies: Basketball every week; Visit Hong Kong (Disneyland, Sea World, Zoo); Scenery line; Bottom top -> Hong Kong tour, bottom top unfinished, supplemented by three men Island.

Movies: 10 movies -> 20 movies

Reading: A Brief History of Humans, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The World’s Wild Cats: Read plugins, A Brief History of Humans, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Reading Earnings in one Book

Life goal achievement rate 70%.


  1. Goals are simple, not challenging
  2. There is no breakdown time limit.
  3. Due to my personal affairs, I will focus on reading and hobbies in the second half of the year. Planning comprehensiveness issues.

Correction method:

  1. Step into the learning zone and the panic zone by setting challenging habits.
  2. Break down your reading into months.
  3. Define vision and form multi-faceted specific goals.

Iii. 2022 Plan

3.1 the first

Relate to your vision 5 years from now, and be prepared to reach that vision state and become a self-commander.

  • The object of a strong desire
  • Split project objectives
  • Habitual goals for landing
  • SMART plan

3.2 Annual Plan

3.2.1 technology

in content completion At the end of checking
January 1.ARouter principle analysis, 1 output article; 2. Non-technical articles -5.5 years of work, 1 output
February 1.AppLifeCycle plug-inPrinciple analysis, output 1 (cognitive AOP from examples);
March 1. Output 1 article by ClassLoader
April 1.Hook technology, output 1 article
May 1. Re-understand the four components, Context and AMS
June 1. Plug-in series – understanding/preparation/current situation, output 1 article
July 1. Plug-in series-activity, output 1 article
August 1. Plug-in series – Output 1 article for other three components
September 1. Plug-in series – Resources/SO, output 1 article
October 1. Performance optimization (package volume, memory, layout) – According to the work summary, output 1 article
November 1. Performance optimization (package volume, memory, layout) – According to the work summary, output 1 article
December 1. Performance optimization – (package volume, memory, layout) According to the work summary, output 1 article

That is, the technical points related to plug-in and performance optimization are fully mastered to meet the REQUIREMENTS of SMART.

This is the project class target.

3.2.2 Community maintenance

  1. The public number sent an article every week, including original and reprinted high-quality articles. In addition to original articles, look for excellent articles during the week and edit them on the weekend. The number of target followers reached 3000.
  2. Maintain good technical group, focus on discussion and q&A every quarter.

This is the target for the custom class.

3.2.3 Learning and growth

quarter where The input Practice/output situation analyse
In the first quarter Learn how to work efficiently Reading and Thinking Practice jack Bauer’s Promotion and Cognitive Awakening
In the second quarter Learn financial knowledge Reading practice “Teach you to read financial statements”, “Investment Novice Class”, “Investment Guide”
In the third quarter Understand the general Read Bytedance, 30 Years of Agitating, with opinions/book reviews
In the fourth quarter Understand the general Read “Inside the Book”, “Politics in General”, output opinion/book review

This is the project class target.

3.2.4 other

Other matters are personal and should be carried out in private notes.


Review is to reflect on the problem, the plan is to move towards the goal.

We believe that we can achieve 100% of our goals without interference this year, for our vision!


Your likes and comments are great encouragement to me!

Welcome to follow my public account Hu Feiyang, the update of the article can be received at the first time; If you have any questions or want to join the group, there is my wechat entry in the number, I will pull you into the technical discussion group. On the road of technical learning and personal growth, we move forward together!