Guo Yipu from Maibaide

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Last night, the list of ACM 2018 Fellows was announced.

Among the 56 members, fei-fei Li, who is best known to all, and five other Chinese scholars teaching at American universities:

Fei Fei Li, Stanford University

Reason for inclusion: To build a large knowledge base for machine learning and visual understanding

Lillian Lee, Cornell University

Selected for: Contributions to natural language processing, emotion analysis and computational social sciences

Huan Liu, Arizona State University

For contributions to data mining, knowledge discovery, and social computing

Jiebo Luo, University of Rochester

For contributions to the field of multimedia content analysis and social multimedia informatics

Lili Qiu, University of Texas at Austin

Selected for: Contributions to design and analysis of wireless network protocols and mobile systems

Tian He, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Why it’s selected: Contribution to wireless networks, sensor systems, and IoT

Unfortunately, no domestic scholars were selected this year.

Below is a full list of the finalists from universities, companies and research centers in Finland, Greece, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States, with major contributions in the areas of accessibility, AR, algorithmic game theory, data mining, storage, software and the World Wide Web.

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For more details, please reply “Wanted” on the QbitAI chat screen.2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Pivotal Achievements that Underpin the Digital Agewww.acm.orgFor more details, please reply “Wanted” on the QbitAI chat screen.