Hello everyone, I am quick-frozen fish
, a water front
, like the garish
, continuous sand sculpture
Welcome friends to add my wechat: Sudongyuer pull you into the group of my public number: front-end quick-frozen fish progress together, looking forward to growing together with everyone
Read this article 
1. Understood the basic process of vUE plug-in development
2. Understand the basic implementation principle of VUe-Router
3. Make one yourselffunctional
Mini-vue-router github.com/sudongyuer/… Welcome to star
Vue Router is the official route manager of vue.js. Its deep integration with vue.js core makes building single-page applications a breeze.
Demand analysis
SPA page to achieve URL transformation but browser does not refresh, component switch.
This is done using the browser-provided API History or HashCahnge event
Principle analysis and implementation 
Create the mini-vue-Router constructor and the install static function
When vue. Use is used to register a plug-in, vUE first executes the install method of the plug-in function
Initialize the MiniVueRouter constructor
- Registers the routing table with the routing instance
- using
Declare a reactive datacurrent
Mount tomini-vue-router
Instance, of course, the reactive data declaration can be anywhere, declared on the Router instance, for laterrouter-view
Make it easy to use this reactive data - monitoring
Event to update reactive data as an update occurscurrent
MiniVueRouter binds the static method intall
In the install static method, we do the following
- Save the Vue constructor instance so that we can use some of the static methods provided by the Vue constructor later
- using
Enhanced components willmini-vue-router
The instance is mounted to the prototype of the Vue so that each Vue component instance has access to the Router instance object, thereby accessing the routing table in the instance object, as well as the responsive data mounted to the Router instancecurrent
- Register two global Vue components
And write their render function, where we use our responsive data Current to find the corresponding routing component in the routing table and finish rendering core, in the render function we use the current responsive data, once it changes, then our current component will re-render the render function, everything depends on the responsive data provided by Vue and its dependency collection mechanism
Create a routing table to register routes
- Use the Vue constructor to register
- Mount a routing table to a route and export it
Import our mini-vue-Router instance in main.js and mount it to the vue root component for testing
Mini-vue-router Is running properly 
Document writing 
After a good library code logic, the most important and document writing , write good-looking easy to understand the document, the library even if done
Mini-vue-router github.com/sudongyuer/… Welcome to star
Writing this library the biggest harvest to understand the basic principle of VUe-Router, as well as some vUE responsive knowledge, have to sigh, vUE design is really strong ah, especially big too great, also hope to help you read the article through this project to understand the principle of VUe-Router
Mini-vue-router github.com/sudongyuer/… Welcome to star
Then I will write a mini-vue-Router to end this article. The purpose of this article is actually very simple, which is to summarize and output the daily work, and output something useful to everyone. It is not important whether you like food or not, but love
, and I hope to know more like-minded friends through this article. Welcome to add my friends, sand sculpture, progress together.
Making : sudongyu
Personal blog : Frozen fish blog
Vx : sudongyuer
Write in the last
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