Some time ago, wechat launched a “wechat dialogue open platform”, aimed at dialogue and interaction as the core, for individuals, enterprises and organizations with customer service needs to provide intelligent business services and user management skills configuration platform, can use the provided tools to independently complete the construction of customer service robots. Today will introduce this dialogue open platform, and through a simple tutorial, let your public account with AI ability.

1. Create a robot

1, the landing


Open the official website and click “Start using” or “Login” in the upper right corner to log in to the system using wechat scanning code.

2. Create a robot

After login, click “Start using” again to create a robot, as shown in the picture below.

After the creation, you can jump to the robot Skills page.

Second, robot skills

Robotics skills are divided into three parts, which we describe below.

1. System dialogue skills

First, we will open “system dialogue skills all” on the right side of the skills page, as shown in the picture below.

Robot debugging

Click “Robot debugging” in the upper right corner to enter the debugging mode.

You can refer to the example to test different skills of the robot, as shown in the figure below.


After the robot is debugged correctly, close the debugging window, click “publish” in the upper right corner, and click “Publish” in the pop-up window to publish the existing skills.

“Robot debug” and “release” will be used in subsequent skills, only after the release of skills, users can use.

2. General skills

To demonstrate the creation and use of common skills, here we create a keyword reply skills, similar to the public account keyword reply.

Select “Common skills” and click “Create Skills”. For all of the following thresholds, we will choose 1.

Enter the name of the skill and click OK.

Then jump to the skills configuration page and click “New Question” to create a question.

Then in the user ask method add user ask method, and press Enter to confirm, here we add “menu” two words.

Then add the robot answer, select “Add”, then select “text”, and enter the content to answer.

After the configuration is complete, click “Save Configuration” in the upper right corner of the page, save the configuration successfully, and then conduct “Robot Debugging”, and “publish” after the debugging is correct.

3. Advanced skills

Advanced skills are created in a similar way to normal skills, with several additional features:

  • Several rounds of reply
  • Service interface invocation
  • Custom Interface
  • .

I created two advanced skills, “Garbage sorting” and “Generate poetry”, and used them as follows.

The skills are configured as follows for your reference.

3. Authorized public account

The skills are configured, and the next step is to let the public account have these skills. Wechat Dialogue open platform provides the function of binding the public account, the specific operation is as follows.

Click “Settings” in the upper left corner, select “Service Access”, click “Bind public account”, in the pop-up window, bind your own public account.

Now, visit your official account, reply “menu”, you can have the robot automatic reply, advanced skills are the same.

Reference documentation

The official document:…

Teaching video:…


Through simple Settings, you can let your public number with a robot, and is the official development of wechat, good compatibility, small development workload, and based on advanced skills, can develop a lot of unexpected functions, worth a try.

Visit “wechat official Documents”, there are 5 products, respectively:

  • Small program
  • Little game
  • The public,
  • Intelligent conversation
  • Open platform

Intelligent dialogue is recently added, while observing several other products, all of them are popular, so I predict that “intelligent dialogue” will also be a product that can generate new dividends in the future.

Finally, follow my public account can experience the above skills, welcome to scan the qr code below to experience.

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