Difference between var and let

1. Var has variable promotion, let has no variable promotion (no pre-parsing)

2. Let cannot be named twice

3. Let variables declared in the global scope are independent of window variables

4. Temporary dead zones

5. Let is constrained by block-level scope

Block-level scope comparison:

if(true) {var a=10;
console.log(a);   / / 10

if(true) {let b=10;
console.log(b);  //b is not defined
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Closure writing method comparison:

Js has only two scopes: global and functional
~function () {


// Now write
    let a=10;
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Looping and asynchrony problems:

// I is in the upper scope, so it is ok to print directly in the loop, but in the asynchronous execution, the loop is finished and I is assigned to 3, so 3 is printed three times
// Instead of forming a cubic variable (cubic block-level scope), I of the parent scope is assigned three times
// Add a new layer of functions
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){console.log(i);  / / 0 1 2
    setTimeout(() = >{
        console.log(i); / / 3 3 3
    },1000)}// I is in the current scope
// Each loop regenerates variable I in the block-level scope {} that is in the current scope and does not affect each other
// The loop has several block-level scopes
for(let i=0; i<3; i++){console.log(i);  / / 0 1 2
    setTimeout(() = >{
        console.log(i); / / 0 1 2
    },500)}// After es5: var loop asynchronous solution
var _loop = function _loop(i) {
  console.log(i); / / 0 1 2

  setTimeout(function () {
    console.log(i); / / 0 1 2
  }, 500);

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

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Const: The value is immutable

Any specific data value is a constant. For example, 12 is a constant

A constant cannot be reassigned

The properties of a constant reference object can be changed

Although constants cannot reference other objects, the properties of the reference object can be changed when the value of a constant is a reference data type

Cannot duplicate declaration

Block-level scopes are supported

// Define constants
const num3 =12;
num3 = 13;   Uncaught TypeError: Assigjvulnerabilities to constant variable values cannot be modified

const user={
user.name='bb'  // It can be changed without error
user={}  / / an error
// The declaration cannot be repeated
const a=10;const a=10;   / / an error

// Block level scope is supported
const a=10; {const a=10; 		/ / is not an error

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