1. The CDN disaster

The CDN root directory used by the front-end resources supports multiple operators, such as Ali Cloud, Qiuniuyun, AWS, UClound, etc. When some users’ CDN nodes are unavailable, some users can directly access the source site

2. Image supports multiple domain names, avoiding browser concurrency restrictions

In cases where the application contains a large number of image requests, image requests should be randomly assigned domain names, such as

  • a1.ycdn.com/images/
  • a2.ycdn.com/images/
  • a3.ycdn.com/images/
  • a4.ycdn.com/images/
  • a5.ycdn.com/images/

3. SMS sending service security restrictions

It makes it more difficult for hackers to crack SMS sending services, and restricts IP addresses, DDOS domain names, and various forms of human-machine authentication

4. Standby at the REDUNDANCY site

For read-only services, resume Dr Nodes to provide standby services to users in a temporary manner

5. Browser compatibility for key customers

If some vendors require Internet Explorer to be accessed, deploy an Internet Explorer compatible version for these vendors