Another announcement

Today, the wechat team sent another notice:

What did the notice say

This notice is to limit the public account customer service message delivery ability, the ability comparison before and after the restriction is as follows:

scenario Issued by the time limit Maximum number of outgoing messages
Click on the Custom menu 48 hours –> 1 minute now Original 5 –> now 3
Follow public account 48 hours –> 1 minute now Original 5 –> now 3
Scan the QR code 48 hours –> 1 minute now Original 5 –> now 3
User sends message Keep for 48 hours Keep 5
Pay for success Keep for 48 hours Keep 5

It can be seen that wechat greatly limits the ability of customer service message delivery under the three scenarios of users clicking custom menu, following and scanning code. This reduces the number of deliveries and the delivery time window. So why do we have this restriction? The notice made it clear, in order to reduce harassment of users. Take concerned public number for example: many public numbers tend to do so: attention to pop up some welcome language, push some content to the user; Follow the user for an hour and then tweet something. Pay attention to 24 hours and then push again; One last wave before we lose 48-hour customer service messaging. I’m sure you’ve all had this experience. Especially from the circle of friends advertising attention to the public number, often do such a thing! I was forced by the product operation to do such a function, developed to send a lot of messages to users, resulting in a large number of complaints from users. But the management girls don’t care about that. They focus on ROI. This is good, wechat dad angry, think can’t do it again. You need to send a message to the client, and send it in one minute. After that, don’t bother the user. In this regard, I am very in favor of, it should be so, to provide users with more value, do not always think about reminders all day long. It is the right way to provide users with more real value and less flashy operations.

What developers can do

Then again, for us developers, what should we do about this change in interface capabilities?

1. Send notifications to product operation sister at the same time

First inform the little sister of product operation, this adjustment will take effect after children’s day, let them prepare in advance, do not find that the data dropped a lot of development. However, according to my experience, most of the time they will come to me and suggest bookkeeping this article and then directly hate it back. Haha.

2. Review three scenarios where interface capabilities have been adjusted and change the code early

First check the interactive code in the three scenes of clicking menu, following and scanning, and discuss with the product sister how to change it. We’ll change the code, and we’ll see when it goes live. Or you can set a deadline, with the old code before the deadline and the new code after the deadline.

3. When pulling the user interaction TAB data, remember to remove the three scenes above

Another area that is easy to overlook is the data section. The operation sister often relies on the data of users who have interaction with customer service, and often needs the OpenID of these users to send customer service messages to these users manually. Also remember to remove the users in the three scenarios mentioned above when taking this part of data, otherwise it is easy to cause the failure of large-scale customer service messages.