I recently found that the directory organization of one of the company’s projects was quite strange. All the subprojects were placed in the Packages directory. I checked the data specially and found that it is a popular monorePO project management mode. React,Vue, and Babel all use this mode:
We generally adopt the project management mode of Multiple Repositories: divide a large project into several small projects, each of which is placed independently in GitLab. There is nothing wrong with this pattern, but in some cases, subproject A depends on subproject B, and if subproject B changes frequently, it can be very troublesome to change A every time B changes. This is often the case when developing a front-end framework or UI library, so consider MonorePO.
Monorepo is just an idea at the end of the day, so how do you implement this kind of code organization?
- lerna
- The Workspace of yarn
This paper mainly introduces the use of LERNA
Source reference
Install LERNA globally
npm i lerna -g
Copy the code
Lerna is based on Git. Create a new project on Github called Learn-Lerna
git clone git@github.com:deepred5/learn-lerna.git
cd learn-lerna
Copy the code
Initialization project:
lerna init
Copy the code
Lerna will automatically create a Packages directory folder where our future projects will be created. A new lerna.json configuration file is also created in the root directory
"packages": [
"packages/*"]."version": "0.0.0" // Shared version, managed by lerna
Copy the code
Create a package
We create two packages:
cd packages
mkdir prpr-lerna-core
cd prpr-lerna-core
npm init -y
Copy the code
cd packages
mkdir prpr-lerna-popular
cd prpr-lerna-popular
npm init -y
Copy the code
Note: We will publish these two packages to NPM at last, so please make the names special and not be used by others
Add the dependent
Prpr-lerna-popular relies on PRPR-lerna-core. There are two ways to add a dependency:
The first method is to modify prpr-lerna-popular/package.json, add
"dependencies": {
"prpr-lerna-core": "^ 1.0.0"}}Copy the code
Then run lerna Bootstrap
The second method is to use the command add directly
lerna add prpr-lerna-core --scope=prpr-lerna-popular
Copy the code
Prpr-lerna-popular generates node_modules, and node_modules generates a soft link to prpr-lerna-core, similar to NPM link:
New PRPR – lerna – core/index. Js
const API = 'https://yande.re/post/popular_recent.json';
module.exports = {
Copy the code
In addition to relying on PRPR-LERna-Core, prPR-Lerna-Popular can also rely on other open source libraries, such as axios
lerna add axios --scope=prpr-lerna-popular
Copy the code
New PRPR – lerna – popular/index. Js
const { API } = require('prpr-lerna-core');
const axios = require('axios');
const getPopularImg = (a)= > axios.get(API)
module.exports = getPopularImg;
// Test the code and delete it on release
getPopularImg().then((res) = > console.log(res.data.length));
Copy the code
Nodepackages/prPR-lerna-popular /index.js normally output results
Published to the NPM
Submit all the code first
cd learn-lerna
git add .
git commit -m "test publish"
Copy the code
Register an NPMJS account
npm login
Copy the code
Log in to your account, if the local NPM is taobao mirror, be sure to switch back to https://registry.npmjs.org/ address!!!!!!
lerna publish
Copy the code
Run Publish and select the release number
Lerna can help us manage version numbers, very convenient!
Common commands
lerna init # initialization
lerna bootstrap Download a dependency package or generate a local soft connection
lerna add axios Add axios to all packages
lerna add prpr-lerna-core --scope=prpr-lerna-popular # Add prPR-Lerna-core dependency to package prpr-Lerna-popularx
lerna list
lerna clean
Copy the code
Other matters
Lerna uses a centralized version by default, and all packages share one version. If you want different packages to have their own versions, you can use Independent mode
Publish package names that start with @, such as @deepred/core, are considered private by NPM by default and will be published using NPM publish –access Public. Lerna publish does not support this parameter. For the solution, see issues
Introduction to monorepo