Subject to introduce

434. Number of words in a string

Count the number of words in the string, where words are consecutive characters rather than Spaces.

Note that you can assume that the string does not contain any non-printable characters.


Input: "Hello, my name is John" Output: 5 Explanation: Words here refer to consecutive characters that are not Spaces, so "Hello," counts as one word.Copy the code

Their thinking

Given the string s, we are asked to count the number of words in the string, which must be consecutive and not blank.

So we can use split to split strings into arrays with Spaces.

Filter is then used to filter the empty elements in the array.

And then return the rest of the array length that we’re looking for in this problem.

The problem solving code

var countSegments = function (s) { return s.split(" ").filter((item) => item ! == "").length; }Copy the code

Swipe questions and punch out records

Here is the previous swipe card records, you can have a look, if you have any different views and views or feel what is wrong, welcome to leave a message in the comment area! 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Come on! HXDM!!!!!! 💪 💪 💪

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