This is the 16th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
Topic describes
A combination of letters for a telephone number
Given a string containing only the numbers 2-9, return all the letter combinations it can represent. The answers can be returned in any order. The mapping of numbers to letters is given as follows (same as a telephone key). Note that 1 does not correspond to any letter.…
/ / sample 1Enter: digits ="23"Output:"ad"."ae"."af"."bd"."be"."bf"."cd"."ce"."cf"]
/ / sample 2Enter: digits ="2"Output:"a"."b"."c"]
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The label
DFS back
Analysis of the problem solving
1. DFS back
Let’s get right to it.
The core is backtracking, when the search does not meet the results, back to the root node, start the next backtracking. But it's not reflected in this problem, so it's just a violent search. Assuming that the string is passed in'234'
2[a, b, c] :3: [d,e,f]
4: [g,h, I] Direct violence search to0To start the recursion.string[0[A, B, C] => [B, C0Each number in is a node, and continue recursing through the string a => to the NTH +1AD, AE, AF, and then run to n+2Adg, ADH, ADI, AEG, AEH, AEI, AFG, AFH, AFI until finally, when all the data sets run out and there's no data left, return the array and exit the current recursion. Each node is equivalent to a recursive run!Copy the code
Go to !!!!!
function letterCombinations(digits: string) :string[] {
if(digits.length === 0) return []
const result: string[] = []
const map = new Map([['2'.'abc'],
['9'.'wxyz']])// Empty string, pointer
const dfs = (cur, i) = > {
// There are no special conditions for this problem, you can exit after traversing the data set
if(i > digits.length - 1) {
// Recurse with the data in each dataset
const curNum = map.get(digits[i])
for(let num of curNum) {
dfs(cur + num, i+1)}}// start with 0 as the first dataset
dfs(' '.0)
return result
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The last
Not pigeon from today, every day an algorithm problem and published articles, first want to solve the problem group for Top100, the eighth topic finished work!!