Original link: leetcode-cn.com/problems/as…
- The child will always be in a waiting state, and there may be more than one biscuit that will not satisfy the child’s appetite.
- For example, a child’s appetite is
Cookies for[6]
Then you have to go through the cookie from 1 to 5 times to find the one that can be eaten. - So you can iterate over cookies with a for loop, using a pointer as an index to iterate over the kids, and when you encounter a cookie that can be eaten, you increase the pointer by 1, and so does the number of kids being fed cookies.
- Since the pointer used to traverse the child and the number of children available for feeding cookies are always equal, the same variable can be used to represent them.
- It may be the case that the child has gone through all of the cookies and there are still cookies left, so you need to consider exiting the for loop early.
/ * * *@param {number[]} g
* @param {number[]} s
* @return {number}* /
var findContentChildren = function(g, s) {
// Count the number of children who eat cookies. Since this value is equal to the index traversing g, use count to traverse g
let count = 0;
// sort g and s in order to ensure that there is no omission
g.sort((a, b) = > a - b);
s.sort((a, b) = > a - b);
// Walk through each cookie to find the child who can eat it
for (const cookie of s) {
// If the current biscuit >= child's appetite, it can be eaten
if (cookie >= g[count]) {
// Increments count by 1, completing the count and enumeration of the next child to be matched
// If there are no children, but cookies still exist, exit the loop early
if (count === g.length) {
break; }}}return count;
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