Please correct me if I am wrong

1 | Dynamic programming

There are three elements of dynamic programming: overlapping subproblem, optimal substructure and state transition equation

  • Overlapping subproblem

For example, in solving the Fibonacci sequence, the recursion method without memo, after drawing the recursion tree, it is found that some values (such as 18 and 17 in the figure, etc.) need to be repeated many times. This is the overlapping subproblem

  • Optimal substructure

    • The substructures are independent of each other

    When you were in high school, you must have heard the saying, “Not heavy, not leaky.” In dynamic programming, in a nutshell: must meet no leakage, to consider all cases; Some problems, such as summation, are not heavy, but the optimal substructure can be repeated

    • The optimal solution of the substructure can lead to the optimal solution of the original problem

    The optimal solution of substructure can be derived from the optimal solution of the original problem is not unique to dynamic programming

  • State transition equation

    • Describe the transition relationships between states

Five steps for dynamic programming

  1. Determine the meaning of the DP array, including the meaning of array subscripts and array values

In general, dp[I] represents the answer to the question when the input data is I

  1. Determine the state transition equation

How is the state of the current position transferred?

  1. Determine the initial value

The value of the base case, you can’t get from the state transition equation

  1. Determine the order of traversal and the way to get the answer

Traversed, the state transition equation should be considered in the current position value depends on what the value of the position and the dependent state must be in the way to get the answer before the current position is calculated referring to the answers to some questions to traverse the last position, some questions the answers have to traverse the process a maximum of every position and so on

  1. Derive DP arrays by example

Check your answers

2 | backtracking algorithm

The essence of backtracking algorithm is violent enumeration, which can solve: some problems can be abstracted into tree structure, and the traversal process can be abstracted into the traversal of decision tree

Three questions to consider:

  • Termination conditions

Decision tree to leaf, when there is no choice or the path does not meet the requirements of the question

  • Have walk path

Save the options at this point, and in general, just add the path to the result set at the end of the condition

  • To select list

The optional item, which depends on whether the function argument list needs startIndex and the initial value of I in the for loop


    private List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>();
    public void solutionFuncion(a){
        return res;

    private void backtrack(List<Integer> path){
        for() {/ / select
            // Undo the selection}}Copy the code

duplicate removal

  • Select list to de-weight (leaves, same layer, landscape)

You need to sort and the Used array, and you also need to consider the used array when making and unselecting

if (i > 0 && nums[i] == nums[i - 1] && used[i - 1] = =false) {
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  • Path de-weighting (branches, longitudinal)

The +1 operation is required when the recursive function in the for loop passes startIndex

3 | Double pointer

Double Pointers are especially common in arrays and linked lists

3. 1 | Fast and slow pointer

A fast and slow two Pointers in the same direction to solve the problem:

  • Check whether the linked list is looped
  • Find the ring entrance
  • Find the middle of the list
  • From the firstkA node

My initialization habit: a fast pointer and a slow pointer start from the header and the node next to the header. The fast pointer takes two steps at a time, and the slow pointer takes one step at a time

ListNode slow = head, fast =;
while(fast ! =null&& ! =null) {// do something
    slow =;
    fast =;
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3. 2 | Left and right Pointers

A left and a right pointer facing each other to solve the problem:

  • Binary search
  • The sum of two Numbers
  • Inversion array

3. 3 | Binary search

Binary search is actually one of the applications of left and right Pointers, but because of its simple idea and difficult details, it deserves separate attention

Take this topic for example: [704. Binary search]

Plastic overflow

        int a = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int b = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        System.out.println((a + b) / 2);         // Error, type overflow
        System.out.println(a + (a - b) >> 1);    // Error, lowest priority bit operation
        System.out.println(a + (a - b) / 2);     / / right
        System.out.println((a + b) >>> 1);       // Correct, >>> even overflow can get the correct answer
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Cyclic invariant

Cyclic invariants are definitions that we should keep in loops, and understanding cyclic invariants is important for the details of dichotomy! The definition of the window is the first step in determining the invariant of the loop. Personally, half of the window is left closed and right closed, i.e. the window is [left, right].

  • Initialize the

Class because the window for the left and right closed interval is [left, right]

int left = 0;
int right = nums.length - 1;
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  • The loop condition

The loop condition is the state that the window satisfies the definition. When left == right, there is an element in the window that satisfies the condition. Obviously, the loop condition is

while(left <= right)
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  • Contraction mode in the loop

Left = middle + 1 and right = middle – 1

[middle + 1, rihgt] [left, middle – 1] [middle + 1, rihgt] [left, middle – 1

if (nums[middle] == target) return middle;
else if (nums[middle] < target) left = middle + 1;
else if ((nums[middle] > target)) right = middle - 1;
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  • State at the end of the loop

According to the end of the loop condition, the left = right + 1 condition at the end of the loop is sometimes used to determine the answer, but binary search is not used

Complete code:

class Solution {
    public int search(int[] nums, int target) {
        // Special condition returns early
        if (target < nums[0] || target > nums[nums.length - 1]) 
            return -1;
        // The search interval is [left, right], left closed and right closed
        int left = 0, right = nums.length - 1;
        while (left <= right) {
            // Can not overflow, but can prevent overflow error
            int middle = (left + right) >>> 1;
            if (nums[middle] == target) 
                return middle;
            else if (nums[middle] < target) 
                left = middle + 1; / / note
            else if (nums[middle] > target) 
                right = middle - 1; / / note
        return -1; }}Copy the code
class Solution {
    public int search(int[] nums, int target) {
        if (target > nums[nums.length - 1] || target < nums[0])
            return -1;
        // now the window is [left, right)
        int left = 0, right = nums.length;
        // if left == right, no element in the window because of [)
        while (left < right){
            int middle = left +  (right - left) / 2;
            if (nums[middle] == target)
                return middle;
            else if (nums[middle] < target)
                left = middle + 1; // [left + 1, right]
            else if (nums[middle] > target)
                right = middle;  // [left, right)
        return -1; }}Copy the code


Find the first element in a sorted array 35. Search for insertion position

3. 4 | Sliding window

Idea: increase the window, when the condition is satisfied, try to reduce the window, until the condition is no longer satisfied, then increase the window…… For loop to find feasible solution, while loop to find optimal solution difficulty: maintenance and detail template of window state:

int left = 0;
for (int right = 0; right < array.length; right++){
    char ch = array[right];
    /* Maintain window status after adding ch */
    // right++ is not required because it is a for loop
    while(Meet the requirements of the topic){char delete = array[left];
        /* Maintain window state after delete */left++; }}Copy the code

Example: Leetcode problem solving

4 | DFS

Understanding binary tree traversal again: what is preemptive? What is the sequence of processing on a node before entering it? The processing of nodes has been mentioned before after the node exits. The backtracking algorithm is the traversal of the decision tree. It takes so long to realize this point before all the choices are made and cancelled before the recursive equation is called and it takes so long to brush the problem after the recursive equation is called

5 | BFS

BFS binary tree template:

public List<List<Integer>> levelOrder(TreeNode root) {
        Deque<TreeNode> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
        if (root == null)
            return list;
        while(! queue.isEmpty()){// Be sure to iterate over the store size in zero because the queue size changes dynamically
            int size = queue.size();
            List<Integer> each = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
                TreeNode node = queue.pollFirst();
                /* Node processing */
                / / such as eachLevel. Add (node. Val);
                if(node.left ! =null)
                if(node.right ! =null)
            /* Layer processing */
            // for example, level++, res.add(eachLevel), etc
        return list;
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To understand:

  • BFS is good for finding shortest paths because all nodes go hand in hand and can be stopped once a node has found its focus
  • If it is infigureBFS, to usevisitedHash tableduplicate removalTo prevent you from going backwards, but you don’t need to in a binary tree because there’s no pointer to the parent of the child node

  • For BFS that know the end point, it can be optimized to bidirectional BFS to trade space for time, but the asymptotic time complexity and spatial complexity remain the same
  • The space complexity is highO(n)

  • DFS can also find the shortest path, the space complexity isO(lgn), because the recursion generates a stack at most the height of the binary tree