Topic request

Compute the product of two complex numbers.

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This problem feels very simple, mainly is the expression of the complex number for analysis, and then apply the formula, the output result can be.

class Solution:
    def complexNumberMultiply(self, a, b) :
        """ :type a: str :type b: str :rtype: str """
        (x,y) = a.split("+")
        (m,n) = b.split("+")
        (y, k) = y.split("i")
        (n, k) = n.split("i")
        # print( (int)x*(int)m - (int)n*(int)y )
        return str( int(x)*int(m) - int(n)*int(y) ) + "+" + str( int(x)*int(n) + int(m)*int(y) ) + "i"
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2. Complex Number