Topic describes

Their thinking

  1. First, use the splice method to remove extraneous elements after nums1 and nums2.
  2. If either of them is an empty array, it is pushed directly into nums1.
  3. Define double Pointers and compare them in sequence, placing the smaller ones in nums1.
  4. Determine the situation in which the left and right Pointers go first.

AC code

var merge = function(nums1, m, nums2, n) {
  if (nums1.length === 0 || nums2.length === 0) { nums1.push(... nums2);return;
  // Define the left pointer
  let left = 0;
  // Define the right pointer
  let right = 0;
  // Define the final result array
  let result = [];
  // When neither side has reached the end
  while(left ! = nums1.length && right ! = nums2.length) {if (nums1[left] <= nums2[right]) {
    } else {
  // If the left pointer has reached the end, but the right pointer has not
  if(left === nums1.length && right ! = nums2.length) { nums1.push(... nums2.slice(right)); }// If the right pointer has reached the end, but the left pointer has not
  if(right === nums1.length && left ! = nums2.length) { nums1.push(... nums1.slice(left)); }};Copy the code

The title to reflect

  • Learn to add elements using the splice method.
  • Note that it is required to sort in place, so assigning a parameter directly will not pass the test.
  • Learn to use double Pointers.