The problem

Power button

Moving the beginning elements of an array to the end of the array is called array rotation. Take a rotation of an incrementally sorted array and print the smallest element of the rotation array. For example, the array [3,4,5,1,2] is a rotation of [1,2,3,4,5], whose minimum value is 1.

Example 1:

Input: [3,4,5, 2] Output: 1Copy the code

Example 2:

Input: [2,2,2,0,1] output: 0Copy the code

15. Attention:…

Train of thought

Binary search



class Solution:
    def minArray(self, numbers: List[int]) - >int:
        left = 0
        right = len(numbers) - 1
        # Note the difference between this and labuladong template, the loop is left
        while left < right:
            mid = left + (right - left) // 2
            Mid and right = mid and left = right
            # The right side is ordered, and the minimum must be on the left
            if numbers[mid] < numbers[right]:
                right = mid
            The minimum value must be on the right
            elif numbers[mid] > numbers[right]:
                left = mid + 1
            Shrink the right border because it contains duplicates
            [3,3,1,3] [3,3,1,3] [3,3,1,3
                right -= 1
        return numbers[left]
Copy the code

