This is the 29th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Binary tree expanded as linked list (114)

Topic describes

Enter a binary search tree and convert the binary search tree into a sorted circular bidirectional list. You cannot create any new nodes. You can only adjust the Pointers to nodes in the tree.

To give you a better understanding of the problem, take the following binary search tree as an example:

We want to turn this binary search tree into a bidirectional circular list. Each node in a linked list has a precursor and a successor pointer. For a bidirectional circular list, the first node is preceded by the last node, and the last node is succeeded by the first node.

The figure below shows the linked list transformed from the binary search tree above. “Head” refers to the node with the smallest element in the list.

In particular, we want to be able to do the conversion in place. When the transformation is complete, the left pointer of the node in the tree needs to point to the precursor, and the right pointer of the node in the tree needs to point to the successor. You also need to return a pointer to the first node in the list.

Thought analysis

Because it is a binary search tree, the middle order traversal of the binary search tree is the process from small to large, we can process the bidirectional circular list in the middle order traversal process, the first head node and tail node are connected. Pre is used to record the node to the left of CUR in the bidirectional linked list, that is, cur in the last iteration. When pre==null, there is no node on the left of cur, that is, cur is the head node in the bidirectional linked list. On the other hand, the pre! =null if pre exists on the left of cur, the operation pre-. Right =cur is required. Whether pre is null or not does not affect this statement, and it is also ok to place this statement before the previous two if else statements.

The code shown

Solution a:

Node head, pre;
    public Node treeToDoublyList(Node root) {
        if(root==null) return null;

        pre.right = head;
        head.left =pre;// The first node and the last node point to each other

        return head;


    public void dfs(Node cur){
        if(cur==null) return;

        // Pre is used to record nodes to the left of cur in the bidirectional list, i.e. cur in the last iteration. When pre==null, there are no nodes to the left of cur, i.e. cur is the head node in the bidirectional list
        if(pre==null) head = cur;
        // Otherwise, pre! =null if pre exists on the left of cur, the operation pre-. Right =cur is required.
        else pre.right = cur;
        cur.left = pre;// Whether pre is null does not affect this sentence, and this sentence is also ok before the previous two if else sentences.

        pre = cur;// Pre points to the current cur
        dfs(cur.right);// After all iterations are complete, pre points to the last node in the bidirectional list
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Linked lists of specific depth nodes (interview question 04.03)

Topic describes

Given a binary tree, design an algorithm that creates a linked list of all nodes at a certain depth (for example, D linked lists will be created if a tree has depth D). Returns an array of linked lists of all depths.

Example 1:

Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, null, 7, 8] 1/2, 3 / \ \ \ 11, 4, 5 7/8 output: [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 7], [8]]Copy the code

Thought analysis

If the depth of a tree is D, it will create D linked lists, which are equivalent to a two-dimensional array, and then iterate through them one by one.

The code shown

Solution a:

public ListNode[] listOfDepth(TreeNode tree) {
        if(tree == null) return null;
        List<ListNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Deque<TreeNode> que = new ArrayDeque<>();
        while(! que.isEmpty()){int n = que.size();
            ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0);
            ListNode cur = dummy;
            for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ TreeNode curTree = que.removeFirst(); =new ListNode(curTree.val);// Generate a new node
                cur =;// Move backward
                if(curTree.left ! =null) que.addLast(curTree.left);
                if(curTree.right ! =null) que.addLast(curTree.right);
        ListNode[] res = list.toArray(new ListNode[list.size()]);
        return res;
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The sequence traversal of binary tree is a basic skill that we must master firmly.