184. Highest departmental salary

Answer key:

SELECT T1.name department, T.name employee, T.salary
  FROM employee T, department T1
 WHERE T.departmentid = T1.id
   AND (salary, departmentId) IN
       (SELECT MAX(salary), departmentId FROM employee GROUP BY departmentId)
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Query the maximum value of DepartmentId field GROUP first, and get the maximum value under different DepartmentId

SELECT DepartmentId, max( Salary ) 
	FROM Employee 
GROUP BY DepartmentId 
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Join the Department table according to DepartmentId field. Select department. Name from Salary and DepartmentId

SELECT T1.name department, T.name employee, T.salary
  FROM employee T, department T1
 WHERE T.departmentid = T1.id
   AND (salary, departmentId) IN
       (SELECT MAX(salary), departmentId FROM employee GROUP BY departmentId)
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