Several readers recently wrote me asking me about their business scenarios and what kind of timed tasks they would use. Indeed, we have a lot of options for using different timed tasks in different business scenarios. I’m here to give you a list of 10 very useful timed tasks, and there’s always one for you.
1. Scheduled tasks in Linux
If you’ve ever encountered a situation where you need to temporarily tally up online data and export it to an Excel spreadsheet. This requirement is sometimes too complex to be met by simply writing SQL statements, which requires Java code. Then the program into a JAR package, the online environment to execute, and finally the generated Excel file downloaded to the local.
In order to reduce the impact on the online environment, we usually choose to execute statistical procedures at 1 or 2 am when the number of users is low. (Actually, around 4 a.m., users are the least.)
Since it was so late, there was no need for us to wait for the execution results. A timed task could have been done.
So what kind of timing task is better for this situation?
Answer: Crontab for Linux. (Although some projects are not deployed on Linux)
Run crontab -e to edit the timer and add the following command:
0 2 * * * / usr/local/Java/jdk1.8 / bin/Java jar/data/app/tool. The jar > / logs/tool. The log &Copy the code
The tool. Jar program can be executed at 2 a.m. every day and logs can be exported to the tool.log file. Of course, you can also write the following command to execute the Java program as shell script, more convenient maintenance.
You can use the scheduled task support to modify the periodic rules and manage the configured periodic scripts in a unified manner.
The format of the crontab command is as follows:
Crontab [parameter] [filename]Copy the code
If no file name is specified, the command typed on the keyboard is received and loaded into crontab.
The comparison table of parameter functions is as follows:
If no user is specified using -u, the current user is used by default.
Run the crontab -e command to edit the file content. The syntax is as follows:
[Minute] [hour] [Date] [month] [week] Specific taskCopy the code
Among them:
The number of minutes ranges from 0 to 59
Hour: indicates the number of hours. The value ranges from 0 to 23
Date, which indicates the specific day. Range: 1-31
Month: indicates the number of months. The range is 1-12
Week: number of weeks. Range: 0-7. Both 0 and 7 represent Sundays
There are also special characters such as:
* indicates the time. For example, *1*** indicates that the time is executed at 1:00 a.m. every day.
/ indicates how often the command is executed. For example, */5 **** indicates that the command is executed every 5 minutes.
, for example, 10, 7,9,12 *** indicates that the command is executed at 7:00, 9:00, and 12:10 every day.
– Indicates that a range is supported, for example, 10 7-9 *** indicates that the value is executed at 7:00, 8:00, and 9:10 every day.
Crond is a daemon that periodically performs certain tasks on Linux. The Crond service tool is installed by default after Linux is installed, and the Crond service starts automatically by default. The Crond process checks periodically every minute to see if there is a task to execute, and if there is, it executes it automatically.
You can run the following command to operate related services:
Service crond status // Check the running status. Service crond start // Start the service. Service crond stop // Stop the service Crond reload // Reloads the configurationCopy the code
Advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: It is convenient to modify timing rules and supports some complex timing rules. You can centrally manage various timing scripts by using files.
Disadvantages: If the scheduled task is very many, it is not easy to find, and the operating system must be Linux, otherwise it cannot be executed.
JDK built-in scheduled tasks
Thread class can do timed tasks. If you look at the source code for some of the timed task frameworks, you’ll eventually see that they also use the Thread class at the bottom.
The code for implementing such a timed task is as follows:
public static void init() {
new Thread(() -> {
while (true) {
try {
Thread.sleep(1000 * 60 * 5);
} catch (Exception e) {
Copy the code
We can use the Thread class to do the simplest of timed tasks, with a while loop in the run method (among other things) to perform our own tasks. Try… try… try… Catch catches an exception, or if it does, it simply exits the loop and will not be able to continue next time.
Scheduled tasks in this mode can only be executed periodically, but cannot be executed at a specified point in time.
In addition, this thread can be defined as a daemon thread that executes silently in the background.
Usage scenarios: for example, sometimes a project needs to download a file every 10 minutes, or read a template file every 5 minutes to generate a static HTML page, etc., some simple periodic task scenarios.
Class pros and cons:
Pros: These timed tasks are simple, cheap to learn and easy to get started, making them a great choice for simple, periodic tasks.
Disadvantages: Does not support the execution of tasks at a specified point in time, does not support delayed execution and other operations, the function is too simple, cannot cope with some complex scenarios.
The Timer class is used by the JDK to schedule the execution of specified tasks in background threads. In the java.util package, it is used in conjunction with TimerTask.
The Timer class is a task scheduler that contains a TimerThread thread that loops indefinitely to retrieve timerTasks from a TaskQueue (the class implements the Runnable interface), calls its run method, and asynchronously executes scheduled tasks. We need to inherit the TimerTask class, implement its Run method, and add our own business logic to that method.
The code for implementing such a timed task is as follows:
public class TimerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Copy the code
A Timer class is instantiated, then its Schedule method is called, where the TimerTask class is instantiated, with the business logic written in the Run method. The last two parameters of the schedule method represent the delay time and the interval time in milliseconds. In the preceding example, the scheduled task is executed every second with a delay of 2 seconds.
There are 6 methods:
Schedule (TimerTask task, Date time) : Indicates that the task is executed at the specified time
Schedule (TimerTask task, long delay) : Indicates that the task is executed after the specified delay
Schedule (TimerTask task, Date firstTime,long period) : specifies that the task repeats the execution of peroid with a fixed delay frequency after the task is executed at the specified firstTime
Schedule (TimerTask task, long delay, long period) : indicates that a task executes peroid repeatedly after a specified delay is specified
ScheduleAtFixedRate (TimerTask task,Date firstTime,long period) : Indicates that a task executes repeatedly with a fixed delay (Peroid) after the task is executed at the specified firstTime
ScheduleAtFixedRate (TimerTask task, long delay, long period) : Indicates that a task executes repeatedly with a fixed delay frequency after a specified delay
But the use ofTimer
The following problems occur when implementing a scheduled task:
Because the Timer is a single-thread task, if one task takes a long time, the execution of other tasks will be affected.
If the TimerTask throws a RuntimeException, the Timer stops all tasks.
Class pros and cons:
Advantages: very convenient implementation of multiple periodic periodic tasks, and support delayed execution, but also support after the specified time, the function is still powerful.
Disadvantages: If one task takes a long time, the execution of other tasks will be affected. And if the TimerTask throws a RuntimeException, the Timer will stop all tasks running, so it is not recommended in the Alibaba developer specification.
ScheduledExecutorService is a scheduled task introduced in JDK1.5+ and is located under java.util.concurrent and distributed packages.
ScheduledExecutorService is based on multithreading. It is designed to solve the problem that the Timer is executed by a single thread and multiple tasks will affect each other.
It consists of four main methods:
Schedule (Runnable command,long delay,TimeUnit unit), which is executed only once and blocked by future.get () until the task is completed.
Schedule (Callable
Callable,long delay,TimeUnit unit), which is executed only once and blocked through future.get () until the task is completed and the execution result can be obtained.
ScheduleAtFixedRate: indicates that a task is executed at a fixed frequency. If the current task takes too much time and exceeds the scheduled period, the task is executed immediately after the current task is complete.
ScheduleWithFixedDelay: a task is executed with a fixed delay. The delay is calculated from the end of the current task to the start time.
The code for implementing such a timed task is as follows:
public class ScheduleExecutorTest { public static void main(String[] args) { ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5); scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { System.out.println("doSomething"); }, 1000100, TimeUnit. MILLISECONDS); }}Copy the code
The ScheduledExecutorService class scheduleAtFixedRate method is called to implement periodic tasks. The tasks are executed every second and delayed by 1 second each time.
This kind of timed task is used to replace the Timer class in the Alibaba developer specification. It is a good choice for multi-threading to perform periodic tasks.
Advantages and disadvantages of ScheduledExecutorService:
Advantages: Based on multi-threaded scheduled tasks, there is no correlation between multiple tasks, support periodic task execution, and with the delay function.
Disadvantages: Does not support some complex timing rules.
Spring supports scheduled tasks
1.spring task
Spring Task is a scheduled task delivered with Spring 3 or later. To implement the scheduled task function, you need to import the Spring-Context package. Currently, spring Task supports XML and annotations.
1. Project practice
Since the XML approach is so old, let’s take the annotation approach in the SpringBoot project as an example.
The first step is to introduce spring-context-related dependencies in the POM.xml file.
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Second, annotate the springBoot boot class with @enablesCheduling.
@EnableScheduling @SpringBootApplication public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class).web(WebApplicationType.SERVLET).run(args); }}Copy the code
Third, use the @scheduled annotation to define timing rules.
@Service public class SpringTaskTest { @Scheduled(cron = "${sue.spring.task.cron}") public void fun() { System.out.println("doSomething"); }}Copy the code
The fourth step, in the applicationContext. Configuration parameters in the properties file:
sue.spring.task.cron=*/10 * * * * ?
Copy the code
This allows fun to be executed every 10 seconds.
2. The cron rules
In versions above spring4, the cron expression contains six parameters:
[second] [minute] [hour] [date] [month] [week]Copy the code
Several commonly used special symbols are also supported:
* : indicates that the task is triggered at any time
, : indicates that the task is triggered at the specified time
– : triggers a task within a period of time
/ : Indicates the starting point and the interval at which a task is triggered.
? : indicates two sub-expressions used for days of the month and week, indicating that no value is specified.
Cron expression parameters:
The value ranges from 0 to 59, including asterisks (*), commas (,), hyphens (-), and /.
The value ranges from 0 to 59. The value can be *, comma, -, or slash (/).
“, the value ranges from 0 to 23. The value can be * (*), comma (,), -, or slash (/).
The value ranges from 1 to 31. The value can be asterisks (*), commas (,), hyphens (-), or slash (/). More than seconds? , indicating that if the specified week is triggered, the configured date becomes invalid.
Month: 1 to 12. The value can be *, comma (,), -, or slash (/).
The value of week ranges from 1 to 7. 1 indicates Sunday, 6 indicates Saturday, and so on. Support *,,, -, /,? . More than seconds? , indicating that if the specified date is triggered, the configured week becomes invalid.
Examples of common cron expressions
0, 0, 0, 1 star? It is executed at 00:00 on the first day of each month
0, 0, 2 * *, right? Every day at 2 a.m
0, 0, 2 * *, right? Every day at 2 a.m
0 0/5, 11 * *, right? Every five minutes from 11:00-11:55 every day
0 0 18? * WED is performed every Wednesday at 6 p.m
Spring task by ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor processScheduled method first, parse and collect Scheduled the parameter annotation, include: cron expression.
Then, in the ScheduledTaskRegistrar class’s afterPropertiesSet method, initialize a single-threaded ThreadPoolExecutor to perform the task by default.
If you are interested in Spring Task, please add me to wechat to chat with me privately.
usespring task
Advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: The Spring framework has its own timing function, springBoot is very good encapsulation, it is very easy to enable and define scheduled tasks, support complex CRon expressions, can meet most of the single-server version of the service scenarios. For a single task, the next task is scheduled after the current task is scheduled.
Disadvantages: Single thread by default. If the execution time of the previous task is too long, the execution of the later task will be affected. Scheduled data store tasks cannot be performed because cluster deployment is not supported.
2.spring quartz
Quartz is an open source project of OpenSymphony in the field of Job Scheduling. It is an open source task scheduling system developed by Java.
What can Quartz do?
Job scheduling: Invokes job scripts of various frameworks, such as shell and Hive.
Timed task: Perform the task you want to perform at a predetermined time.
The architecture diagram is as follows:
Quartz includes the following main interfaces:
Scheduler represents a scheduling container, and multiple Jobdetails and Triggers can be registered in a scheduling container.
Job stands for Job, something specific to be performed.
JobDetail represents the specific executable scheduler, and Job is what the executable scheduler will execute.
JobBuilder is used to define or build JobDetail instances.
Trigger stands for scheduling Trigger that decides when to call.
TriggerBuilder is used to define or build triggers.
JobStore is used to store the status of jobs and tasks during scheduling.
1. Project practice
Let’s take springboot integration with Quartz as an example.
The first step is to introduce Quartz related dependencies in the POM.xml file.
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Second, create a real scheduled task execution class that inherits QuartzJobBean.
public class QuartzTestJob extends QuartzJobBean {
protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
String userName = (String) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().get("userName");
System.out.println("userName:" + userName);
Copy the code
Step 3, create the scheduler JobDetail and the scheduler Trigger.
@Configuration public class QuartzConfig { @Value("${sue.spring.quartz.cron}") private String testCron; @bean public JobDetail quartzTestDetail() {JobDetail JobDetail = jobBuilder.newJob (quartztestjob.class) .withIdentity("quartzTestDetail", "QUARTZ_TEST") .usingJobData("userName", "susan") .storeDurably() .build(); return jobDetail; } /** * create Trigger */ @bean public Trigger quartzTestJobTrigger() {CronScheduleBuilder CronScheduleBuilder = CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule(testCron); / / create a Trigger Trigger, the Trigger. = TriggerBuilder newTrigger () forJob (quartzTestDetail ()). WithIdentity (" quartzTestJobTrigger ", "QUARTZ_TEST_JOB_TRIGGER") .withSchedule(cronScheduleBuilder) .build(); return trigger; }}Copy the code
The fourth step, in the applicationContext. Configuration parameters in the properties file:
sue.spring.quartz.cron=*/5 * * * * ?
Copy the code
This will execute the executeInternal method of the QuartzTestJob class every five seconds.
CronTrigger configuration format:
[second] [minute] [hour] [day] [month] [week] [year]Copy the code
Spring Quartz is basically the same as spring Task’s cron expression rules, except that spring4 or later removes the following year, while Quartz’s CronTrigger year is optional, so I won’t go into details here.
usespring quartz
Advantages and disadvantages:
Advantage: The default is multi-thread asynchronous execution, a single task, in the last scheduling is not completed, the next scheduling time, another thread will start a new scheduling, multiple tasks do not affect each other. Support for complex CRon expressions that can be instantiated by clusters and support distributed deployment.
Disadvantages: Compared with Spring Task, the cost of implementing scheduled tasks is higher, and you need to manually configure QuartzJobBean, JobDetail, and Trigger. The need to introduce a third party Quartz package, there is a certain learning cost. It does not support parallel scheduling, failure processing, and dynamic fragmentation policies.
4. Distributed scheduled tasks
Xxl-job is a distributed task scheduling platform developed by Dianping (Xu Xueli). Its core design goal is rapid development, simple learning, lightweight and easy to expand. Now open source and access to many companies online product lines, out of the box.
The XXL-Job framework extends Quartz to use the mysql database to store data and has jetty built in as an RPC service call.
The main features are as follows:
There is an interface to maintain scheduled tasks and trigger rules, which is easy to manage.
Can start or stop tasks dynamically
Supports flexible capacity expansion and reduction
Support task failure alarm
Dynamic sharding support
Failover support
Rolling real-time log
Supports user and permission management
Management interface:
The overall architecture diagram is as follows:
The architecture diagram using Quartz is as follows:
The project of actual combat
Xxl-admin management background deployment and mysql script execution and other preparatory work, I will not introduce more, there is a need for friends can find me private chat, these more inclined to the operation and maintenance of things.
Assuming that the previous work is OK, we need to:
First, introduce xxl-job-related dependencies in the POM.xml file.
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The second step, the applicationContext. Configuration parameters in the properties file:
xxl.job.admin.address: http://localhost:8088/xxl-job-admin/
xxl.job.executor.appname: xxl-job-executor-sample
xxl.job.executor.port: 8888
xxl.job.executor.logpath: /data/applogs/xxl-job/
Copy the code
Create a HelloJobHandler class that inherits the IJobHandler class:
@JobHandler(value = "helloJobHandler") @Component public class HelloJobHandler extends IJobHandler { @Override public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) { System.out.println("XXL-JOB, Hello World."); return SUCCESS; }}Copy the code
The scheduled task is then configured.
You are advised to deploy scheduled tasks to another service, separate from the API service. Based on my experience, most jobs perform batch operations on data. If the data volume is too large, the memory and CPU resources of the service may be affected.
Advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: Supports scheduled task management, elastic capacity expansion and reduction, dynamic sharding, failover, and failure alarm. Its function is very powerful, many large factories in use, can meet the vast majority of business scenarios.
Disadvantages: Like Quartz, distributed database locks are used to control tasks from being repeated. There are some performance issues in the case of a large number of tasks.
Elastice-job is an elastic and distributed task scheduling system developed by Dangdang. It uses ZooKeeper to implement distributed coordination, high availability and task sharding. It is specifically developed for high concurrency and complex business scenarios.
Elastic – the job is a subproject under the apache shardingsphere project, website address:…
Elastic-job after 2.x, there were two product lines: Elastic-Job-Lite and Elastic-Job-Cloud, and we used elastic-Job-Lite to meet our needs. Elastik-job-lite is positioned as a lightweight, decentralized solution that uses JAR packages to coordinate distributed tasks, relying only on Zookeeper.
The main features are as follows:
Distributed scheduling coordination
Elastic capacity expansion and reduction
Failure to transfer
Missed execution job retrigger
Job sharding consistency ensures that only one execution instance of the same sharding in a distributed environment
Self-diagnose and fix problems caused by distributed instability
Support parallel scheduling
Overall architecture Diagram:
The project of actual combat
The first step is to introduce elastice-job dependencies in the pom.xml file.
Copy the code
Step 2: Add ZKConfig class and configure ZooKeeper:
@Configuration @ConditionalOnExpression("'${zk.serverList}'.length() > 0") public class ZKConfig { @Bean public ZookeeperRegistryCenter registry(@Value("${zk.serverList}") String serverList, @Value("${zk.namespace}") String namespace) { return new ZookeeperRegistryCenter(new ZookeeperConfiguration(serverList, namespace)); }}Copy the code
Step 3: Define a class that implements the SimpleJob interface:
public class TestJob implements SimpleJob { @Override public void execute(ShardingContext shardingContext){ System.out.println("ShardingTotalCount:"+shardingContext.getShardingTotalCount()); System.out.println("ShardingItem:"+shardingContext.getShardingItem()); }}Copy the code
Step 4: Add the JobConfig configuration task:
@Configuration public class JobConfig { @Value("${sue.spring.elatisc.cron}") private String testCron; @Value("${sue.spring.elatisc.itemParameters}") private String shardingItemParameters; @Value("${sue.spring.elatisc.jobParameters}") private String jobParameters =; @Value("${sue.spring.elatisc.shardingTotalCount}") private int shardingTotalCount; @Autowired private ZookeeperRegistryCenter registryCenter; @Bean public SimpleJob testJob() { return new TestJob(); } @Bean public JobScheduler simpleJobScheduler(final SimpleJob simpleJob) { return new SpringJobScheduler(simpleJob, registryCenter, getConfiguration(simpleJob.getClass(), cron, shardingTotalCount, shardingItemParameters, jobParameters)); } private geConfiguration getConfiguration(Class<? extends SimpleJob> jobClass,String cron,int shardingTotalCount,String shardingItemParameters,String jobParameters) { JobCoreConfiguration simpleCoreConfig = JobCoreConfiguration.newBuilder(jobClass.getName(), testCron, shardingTotalCount). shardingItemParameters(shardingItemParameters).jobParameter(jobParameters).build(); SimpleJobConfiguration simpleJobConfig = new SimpleJobConfiguration(simpleCoreConfig, jobClass.getCanonicalName()); LiteJobConfiguration jobConfig = LiteJobConfiguration.newBuilder(simpleJobConfig).overwrite(true).build(); return jobConfig; }}Copy the code
Among them:
Cron: A CRON expression that defines the triggering rule.
ShardingTotalCount: Defines the total number of job fragments
ShardingItemParameters: defines the allocation item parameters. Generally, the fragment sequence number and parameters are separated by equal signs, multiple key-value pairs are separated by commas, and the fragment sequence number starts from 0 and cannot be greater than or equal to the total number of job fragments.
JobParameters: user-defined jobParameters
Fifth, the applicationContext. Configuration parameters in the properties file:
sue.spring.elatisc.cron=0/5 * * * * ?
Copy the code
In this case, scheduled tasks are configured. The procedure for creating scheduled tasks is more complicated than xxL-job.
Advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: support distributed scheduling coordination, support sharding, suitable for high concurrency, and some business is relatively complex scenarios.
Disadvantages: Depends on ZooKeeper. Implementing scheduled tasks is more complicated than xxL-job, and you must be familiar with sharding rules.
3. Other distributed scheduled tasks
1. Saturn
Saturn is an open-source distributed task scheduling platform from Vipshop. It replaces the traditional Linux Cron/Spring Batch Job method to achieve unified configuration, unified monitoring, high availability of tasks, and concurrent processing of fragments.
Saturn is based on Dangdang’s open-source Elastice-Job, combined with the needs of all parties and our practical insights. Use cases: Vipshop, Kugou Music, Xinwang Bank, Hailongyi, AirMedia Online, Liofu Zhengxin, etc.
Github address:…
2. TBSchedule
TBSchedule is a distributed task scheduling platform developed by Alibaba, which aims to separate scheduling jobs from business systems, reduce or eliminate the coupling degree with business systems, and carry out efficient asynchronous task processing.
At present, it is widely used in the process scheduling system of Many Internet enterprises such as Alibaba, Taobao, Alipay, JINGdong, Jumei, Autohome and Gome.
Github address:…
To be honest, there are a lot of good timed tasks out there. It’s not that we have to use the best timed tasks, but we have to choose according to the actual business needs. Each scheduled task has its advantages and disadvantages. It is the best policy to choose a proper task to meet business requirements and avoid resource waste. Of course, in actual service scenarios, multiple scheduled tasks are used together.
By the way, welcome to chat with me, dear friends, about the timing tasks you have used, the problems you have encountered, and how to solve them. If you have any questions, you can ask me.
I hope we can progress and grow together.
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