1. The function

Def print_name(): print()'My name is Lao Li'Print_name () def add(x, y, z=4Print (x, y, z) # args,**kwargs def demo(x, y, z=2, *args, **kwargs):
    isum = 0
    isum = x + y + z
    for i in args:  # (
        isum += i
    for j in kwargs.values():  # {'a': 1.'b': 2} isum += j print(isum) # print(x) # print(y) # print(*args) #3 4 5 6 7# print(args) (kwargs) # {'a': 1.'b': 2The demo (} dictionary1., a=1, b=2Def demo2(x, y, z=2Def test1(): print(*args, **kwargs): print(x)'test1')
    print('Test2 called complete')

def test2():

def test3():

if __name__ == '__main__': test1() #'Lao wang'Global variable age =12
sex = 'male'

def show():
    global age, sex  # globalDeclare age, the sex argument is the modified global variable age =100# global sex ='woman'# global variable name ='3'Print (name, age, sex)if __name__ == '__main__': show() print(name, age, sex) def fn(x, y): z = x + yreturnThe z # function endsif __name__ == '__main__':
    result = fn(1.2)
    print(result + 1Def fn1(name, age): name ="My name is % s" % name
    age = "I am %s years old." % age
    return name, age

result1 = fn1('Lao wang'.12Print (result1) #'My name is Lao Wang.'.'I'm 12 years old')
name1, age1 = fn1('Lao wang'.12Print (name1, age1) #12Recursive function #6!6*5*4*3*2*! = 720

def six(num):
    if num == 1:
        return num
    return num * six(num - 1)

result2 = six(6Print (result2) #bDef fun(a, b) def fun(a, b):return a + b

result3 = fun(1.2) print(result3) # high order function"""The map() function takes two arguments, a function and an Iterable. Map applies the passed function to each element of the sequence and returns the result as a new Iterator. (can be used with next ())"""

def f(x):
    return x * x

r = map(f, [])
print(list(r))  # []

lmap = list(map(str, []))
print(lmap)  # ['1'.'2'.'3'.'4'.'5'.'6'.'7'.'8'.'9']

"""Reduce applies a function to a sequence [x1, x2, x3... Reduce (f, [x1, x2, x3, x4]) = f(f(f(x1, x2), x3), x4)"""
from functools import reduce

def fn_reduce(x, y):
    return x*10 + y

print(reduce(fn_reduce, []))13579Def prod(L) def prod(L) def prod(L)return reduce(v_fn, L)

def v_fn(x, y):
    return x*y

print('3 * 5 * 7 * 9 =', prod([]))
if prod([ =])945:
    print('Test successful! ')
    print('Test failed! ')

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