I am often asked by readers on wechat:

In the process of learning programming, I read a lot of books and video courses, but after watching and listening to them, I still feel that I can’t program. I want to find some projects to practice, but I don’t know where to find them.

A lot of readers ask similar questions, and it is estimated that most people are confused.

Github is definitely the place to find it.

I’ve answered this question before on Zhihu, sharing some github projects and getting a good thumbs-up.

So, I reorganized it and shared it. The following projects are listed in no particular order:

1. litemall


Star: 15.5 k

This is a small mall system.

Litemall = Spring Boot back end + Vue administrator front end + wechat small program user front end + Vue user mobile end

Technology stack: Spring Boot, VUE, wechat applets

2. Head-First-Design-Patterns


Star: 2.2 k

Sample code for the Head First Design Patterns book, which corresponds to the July 2014 book, you can load code and compile and run it from the command line, or load code into a project in Eclipse.

3. Mall


Star: 47k

Mall is committed to creating a complete e-commerce system, using the current popular technology to achieve.

Mall includes the front mall system and background management system, based on SpringBoot+MyBatis implementation.

The front desk mall system includes home page portal, product recommendation, product search, product display, shopping cart, order process, member center, customer service, help center and other modules.

Background management system includes commodity management, order management, membership management, promotion management, operation management, content management, statistical reports, financial management, authority management, setting and other modules.

4. miaosha


Star: 19.3 k

Miaosha = second kill, second kill system design and implementation

This project is a systematic collation of how to do seckill architecture with high concurrency and high traffic.

A word of advice: if you have no experience with MQ, SpringBoot, Redis, Dubbo, ZK, Maven, Lua, etc., you are advised to search for a quick start on each one online or download this project to learn by doing.

5. vhr


Star: 20.5 k

Micro hr is a human resource management system with the separation of the front and back ends. The project is developed by SpringBoot+Vue. The project involves the technical points involved in common enterprise-level applications, such as Redis and RabbitMQ.

6. spring-boot-demo


Star: 20.8 k

Spring Boot Demo is a deep learning and practical Spring Boot project. Currently, there are 65 integrated demos, 53 of which have been completed.

This project has been successfully integrated Actuator (Monitoring), Admin (visual monitoring), Logback (logging), aopLog(Logging web requests through AOP), unified exception handling (JSON level and page level), Freemarker (template engine), Mybatis, Redis, and Zookeepe R, RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.

7. eladmin


Star: 14.6 k

This is a back-end management system based on Spring Boot, Jpa, Spring Security, Redis, Vue.

The project adopts module development mode, RBAC is used for permission control, data dictionary and data permission management, one-click generation of front-end and back-end codes, and dynamic routing are supported.

System functions: user management, role management, menu management, department management, post management, SQL monitoring, scheduled tasks, mail tools, Qiniu Cloud storage, Alipay payment, service monitoring, operation and maintenance management, etc

8. 99-problems


Star: 3.3 k

The name alone gives you an idea of what it does. It helps you hone your specific skills in logic programming. You can use Java 8, Scala, or Haskell to solve the problem and find the most elegant solution.

If you like, there are a number of different levels of difficulty to choose from. In addition, if you solve all 99 puzzles, you can further attack Java Deathmatch. If you’re stumped, click here to see the puzzle – but note that it’s better to read it after careful thought.

9. Dex


Star: 1.2 k

If you want a cool way to interact with your data, Dex is a must-see. It helps us extract, transform and visualize data, with predictive capabilities. You can publish visualizations as 3D or other HTML variables.

Dex allows us to generate over 50 different visualizations, including world maps, timetables, web visualizations, and more.

You can also use R to combine with its running examples to build complex statistical analysis and predictive analysis systems.

That’s it for now, but again:

Learn programming, learn Java, must practice more.