1, including JS, less, images, template HTML/TPL/Vue compression processing, version control, code detection, automatic update (modify less can not automatically update), image compression using GULP

Config_single is a single-file configuration, webpack-config.sigle.js is a simple single-page production demo config_much is a multi-file configuration demo

3. Place the image required by the case in the static folder, compress it through gulp images and transfer it to SRC/Assets

Untils. js contains the global configuration content, file entry, local port number, and online path

5. Dist generated directory. Since the image path will automatically enter the CSS path after less-Loader compilation, the image img copy is performed through gulp after the file is generated. Dist/CSS /img is the CSS referenced image, dist/img is the HTML referenced image

SRC is the resource directory

7. The Test folder is a small test example

8. Pages.js is a multi-page configuration file


Download project git clone [email protected]: Heyff12 / webpack – pages. Git

Go to CD webpack-Pages

Install the dependency package NPM install

Open NPM run dev

Browse the page address http://localhost:8083/dist/layer3.html

Compile the build file NPM run build

Function parsing

This project, in order to get familiar with webpack packaging, was configured bit by bit from scratch, installing the declaration module as needed, General steps – 1, JS modular implementation and ES6 compilation (babel-loader), less compilation (style-loader/ CSS-loader! postcss-loader! Less-loader), configuration version (filename: ‘js/[name]-[hash].js’,), image base64 processing (url-loader), can produce HTML file view (new htmlWebpackPlugin(conf)) HTML/TPL/VUE (HTml-loader/EJS-loader/VUe-loader) Need CSS REM transformation (postCSs-px2rem) 4, file compression (build command -p) 5, automatic update (webpack-dev-server), currently this example bug, modify less file can not automatically update 6, generate map file, Easy code errors (devtool: ‘#source-map’)