Have you ever:

  1. Read a variety of TS documents, write up or vaguely understand;
  2. I have contacted some TS keywords, but I am not skilled in using them and lack of clear theoretical reference.
  3. TS is downgraded to JS;
  4. Type in do not know where the layer is broken, and can not be connected;

This document is summarized based on our process of stomping TS. Through learning and practicing, from questions to answers to knowledge points, take you to experience the joy of type gymnastics, and type gymnastics application in daily development.

  • Suitable for: “those who have mastered JS, have seen TS, and intend to strengthen their understanding of the front end”
  • After reading the harvest: “Master several core knowledge points of TS; Experience the joy of type gymnastics”
  • Eating posture:
    • According to the question irregularly eat (each question has involved related knowledge points)
    • Food order: key words -> topic requirements -> knowledge points -> answer questions -> answer links -> reference answer -> reference JS -> knowledge points
    • Scenarios and solutions are for reference only and are not “TS complete” answers

Topic summary

The serial number The title Difficulty index keywords The questions in this paper,
1. Extract 🌟 generics,union,extends Select the part of a union type that “intersects with other types”
2. Lookup 🌟 🌟 generics,union,extends Selects the part of a union type that “satisfies a particular condition.
3. Chainable Option 🌟 🌟 generics,recursive Use recursion to make the type satisfy a chained call
4. SubType 🌟 🌟 keyof Merge an object
5. Change Argument 🌟 🌟 🌟 infer,ReturnType,Parameters The types of the parameters and return values of the operation function
6. Underscore 🌟 🌟 🌟 Template Literal Types,recursive The underlined string is humped
7. EventEmitter 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 generics,function overload,Intersection Resolve the interdependencies between function parameters through generics
8. Permutation 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 union,extends,never Total permutation problem
9. Simple Vue 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 this Simulate a Vue this operation
10. Union To Tuple 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 function overload,Intersection The unordered union type is changed to an ordered tuple

Refer to the link

  1. Type distribution: Documentation – TypeScript 2.8
  2. Generics: Documentation – Generics
  3. Recursion type: Documentation – TypeScript 3.7
  4. Generics in Functions: Documentation – More on Functions
  5. Keyof: Documentation – TypeScript 2.1
  6. This type: Documentation – Utility Types
  7. Keyword: infer infer | understand TypeScript
  8. Rest/Spread Parameters:Documentation – TypeScript 3.0
  9. Template strings: Documentation – TypeScript 4.1
  10. The string part has built-in Types: Documentation – Template Literal Types
  11. Never judge:
- [Conditional Types - Checking extends never](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/23182);
- <https://github.com/type-challenges/type-challenges/issues/614>
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  1. Dependent Type:
- [TypeScript type skills - multiple parameter type constraints] (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/95828198). Realize dynamic overload - [Typescript Tips: cheap version dependent type] (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/95829351)Copy the code
  1. About crossing types and function overloading:
- [TypeScript union function types](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58629426/typescript-union-function-types)
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  1. On TS Turing completeness: Prove that JS and TS type programming is Turing complete

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