We’re just learning a little bit before we get to functions

  • 1. Type narrowing

What is type narrowing?

English plays a role of Type Narrowingtypeof 'erke' === 'string'To change the path of our code execution, and during the execution of our code we can execute to a smaller type than we declared and this process is called shrinking

We achieve type Guards by narrowing down types.

Common types of protection are as follows

  • typeof

  • = = =,! = =

  • instanceof

  • in

  • Object.prototype.toString.call(add)

  • The typeof typeof is reduced

Checking the value of a type in Typescript makes typeof a type protection based on the value of the typeof operation

type nameType = number | string
function getName(name: nameType) :void {
  if (typeof name === 'string') {
  } else {
getName('erkelost') // ERKLOST
getName(123456) / / 123456.00

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  • Switch equal shrink type shrink

type styleType = "padding" | "margin" | "width" | "height"
function getStyle(style: styleType) {
  switch (style) {
    case 'padding':
    case 'margin':
    case 'width':
    case 'height':

getStyle('padding') // padding = 100px
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  • instanceof

type mathType = number | Date
function math(num: mathType) {
  if (num instanceof Date) {
    console.log(new Date());
  } else {
math(new Date())

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  • in

The in operator determines whether an object has a named property. The in operator returns true if the specified property is in the specified object or stereotype chain

type Fish = {
  swimming: () = > void

type Dog = {
  running: () = > void

function walk(animal: Fish | Dog) {
  if ('swimming' in animal) {
  } else {

const fish: Fish = {
  swimming() {
walk(fish) // swimming
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Functions are an important part of JavaScript development, and functions can serve as first-class citizens (either as arguments or as return values).

1. When a function is used as an argument
function name() {
type getType = () = > void  // By default, a function type is defined that returns no value
function get(fn: getType) {
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If a function returns a number, it returns a number. If it does not return a number, it returns a void

type constFnType = (n1: number, n2: number) = > number
const addNum: constFnType = (a1: number, a2:number) = > {
  return a1 + a2
console.log(addNum(20.50));  / / 70
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3. Optional types of arguments (the optional types of y are number and undefined union)

function foo(x: number, y? : number) :number {
  console.log(x + y);
  return x + y  
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4. Default parameters

function adny(y: number, x: number = 10) :number {
  console.log(x, y)
  return x + y

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Normally, TypeScript assumes that the function sayName has an external object info corresponding to this, so it uses this as that object

const info = {
  name: 'adny'.sayName:function() {
    console.log(this.name); // adny
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But if we were to write this function out then we would have an error because we can’t get the value of this, we’re not sure what this is and it’s unsafe for Typescript code to compile and we would have an error, right

function sayName() {
  console.log(this.name);  // An outer value of 'this' is shadowed by this container.

const info = {
  name: 'adny',
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So we need to specify the type of this and again, TypeScript does type checking to make our code safer

type thisType = {  // Define an object type
  name: string
function sayName(this: thisType) { // We define this to specify that we can find this object

const info = {
  name: 'adny',
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Function overloading

In typescript, if we write an add function to add variables that may have different types, we can set it

function addS(num1: number | string, num2: number | string) :number | string {
  return num1 + num2
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This is because the operator “+” cannot be applied to type “string | number” and “string | number”.

In typescript, we can write different overload signatures to indicate that functions can be called in different ways; Generally, write two or more overloaded signatures, and then write a generic function and implementation

Function overloading is defined as function overloading: several functions with the same name but different arguments are function overloading

When we call a function we pass arguments to determine which execution function we want to call based on the arguments we pass in

function addS(num1: number, num2:number) :number
function addS(num1: string, num2:string) :string
function addS(num1: any, num2: any) :any {
  console.log(num1 + num2);
  return num1 + num2

addS('ERKELOST'.'adny') / /ERKELOSTadny
addS(20.30) / / 50Copy the code

Join types and overloads

Define a function that we need to pass in a string and an array to get the length of the array or the string

We can use the union type

type lengthType = string | any[]
function getLength(len: lengthType) :number {
  return len.length
getLength([1.2.3]) / / 3
getLength('hhjjk') / / 5
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function getlength(len: string) :number
function getlength(len: any[]) :number
function getlength(len: any) {
  return len.length
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