• All things negative Yin and Yang, think and impulse.
  • Adversity is the essence of success.
  • 40 hours a week for work and 20 hours for study.
  • Do data flow diagram for functional decomposition before project.
  • Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
  • Parnas Principle (Separation of interface and implementation)
  • GOF book design mode, POSA design mode of actual combat.
  • SOLID Principles, acronym for several important coding principles in object-oriented design and Programming (OOD&OOP).
    • SRP single liability principle
    • OCP open and closed principle
    • LSP Richter replacement principle
    • Separating ISP interfaces
    • DIP depends on the inversion principle.
  • TDD test-driven development.
  • Optimistic forecast, nominal forecast, pessimistic forecast.