
  1. Create a new test class
  2. Add a class annotation @runwith (springrunner.class) @SpringbooTtest @webAppConfiguration to the test class
  3. Inject private @autowire private WebApplicationContext context;
  4. Define a private shared property private MockMvc Mock;
  5. Write a pre-test method for Junit (executed before testing the method, doing the preparatory work, @ Before) @ Before public void Before () throws the Exception {mock = MockMvcBuilders. WebAppContextSetup (context). The build (); }
  6. Test method in controller (example Test UserController_findAll) @test public void testFindAll(){MvcResult result = mock. Perform ( MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(‘/user’)) .andDo(MockMvcResultHandlers.print()) .andReturn();

General use form

ResultActions action = mock.perform(RequestBuilder);
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interface RequestBuilder

Constructing a request

Need to use a method, which can be realized in the type of MockHttpServletRequestBuilder look up to

Excerpt part of the source code

     * Set the character encoding of the request.
     * @param encoding the character encoding
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder characterEncoding(String encoding) {
        this.characterEncoding = encoding;
        return this;

     * Set the request body.
     * @param content the body content
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder content(byte[] content) {
        this.content = content;
        return this;

     * Set the request body as a UTF-8 String.
     * @param content the body content
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder content(String content) {
        this.content = content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        return this;

     * Set the 'Content-Type' header of the request.
     * @param contentType the content type
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder contentType(MediaType contentType) {
        Assert.notNull(contentType, "'contentType' must not be null");
        this.contentType = contentType.toString();
        return this;
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Commonly used method

contentType(MediaType); content(String); param(String, String...) ; requestAttr(String, Object); accept(MediaType); headers(HttpHeaders);Copy the code

interfact ResultMatcher

Function interface, the result, conditional matching

In the org. Springframework. Test. Web. Servlet. The result of the * ResultMatchers package, defines the vast majority of return ResultMatcher method of anonymous implementation class

# all the classes ContentResultMatchers. Class CookieResultMatchers. Class FlashAttributeResultMatchers. Class HandlerResultMatchers.class HeaderResultMatchers.class JsonPathResultMatchers.class MockMvcResultHandlers.class MockMvcResultMatchers.class ModelResultMatchers.class PrintingResultHandler.class RequestResultMatchers.class StatusResultMatchers.class StatusResultMatchersExtensionsKt.class ViewResultMatchers.class XpathResultMatchers.classCopy the code

In order to **.andExpect(status().isOk())**Trace the source code for the case

// StatusResultMatchers.isOk()
  * Assert the response status code is {@code HttpStatus.OK} (200).
public ResultMatcher isOk(a) {
    return matcher(HttpStatus.OK);
/** * Match the expected response status to that of the HttpServletResponse. */
private ResultMatcher matcher(final HttpStatus status) {
    return result -> assertEquals("Status", status.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus());
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Parameters in.andexpect (ResultMatcher) are actually generated by static methods in MockMvcResultMatchers

    /** * Access to response status assertions. */
    public static StatusResultMatchers status(a) {
        return new StatusResultMatchers();
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interface ResultHandler

A functional interface to process the results obtained

The usual processing is to output to a log, or to the console, or to a specified output stream

It is recommended to use the method in MockMvcResultHandlers, which from the source code defines private static inner classes that extend PrintingResultHandler and ResultHandler

// Static methods in MockMvcResultHandlers that you can use
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The sample

public class StationTest {
    private WebApplicationContext context;
    private MockMvc mock;
    private String baseUrl = "/station";
    private List<Station> list;
    private MvcResult result;
    private String id;

    public void before(a) throws Exception {
        mock = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).build();
        list = JsonUtil.toList(
        id = list.get(0).getId();

    public void after(a) throws Exception {

    public void testFindAll(a) throws Exception {
        result = mock.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(baseUrl))
        list = JsonUtil.toList(result.getResponse().getContentAsString(), Station.class);
        id = list.get(0).getId();

    public void testSave(a) throws Exception {
        Station station = new Station(RCSUtil.CreateID(), "station-1".0.1."2"."1".20."10");
        String json = JsonUtil.toJson(station);
        result = mock

    public void testGet(a) throws Exception {
        result = mock.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(baseUrl + "/{id}", list.get(0).getId()))

    public void testUpdate(a) throws Exception {
        Station station = list.get(0);
        result = mock
                .perform( + "/{id}". id) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8) .content(JsonUtil.toJson(station))) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)) .andDo(MockMvcResultHandlers.print()) .andReturn(); }@Test
    public void testDelete(a) throws Exception {
        result = mock
                .perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.delete(baseUrl + "/{id}", id))
                .andExpect(content().string("true")) .andDo(MockMvcResultHandlers.print()) .andReturn(); }}@RestController
public class StationController {
    public List<Station> findAll(a) {
        return service.findAll();

    public Station save(@RequestBody Station station) {

    public Station get(@PathVariable String id) {
        return service.getById(id);

    public Station update(@RequestBody Station station, @PathVariable String id) {

    public boolean delete(@PathVariable String id) {
        return service.delete(id);

    private StationService service;
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