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Before we introduced the basic data structure of Redis and related to the derived structure, this article we briefly introduced the related operations of the database.
Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: O(1)
The command format
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Command description
Returns the number of current database keys
The return value
An integer value
The sample> flushdb
OK> mset name jack age 10 gender male
OK> dbsize
(integer) 3
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Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: O(N), where N is the number of keys in the database
The command format
KEYS pattern
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Command description
Returns the key in the database that matches pattern
Pattern supports regular expressions, for example:
h? Llo matches Hello, HallO, and HXlLO
H * LLO matches HLLO and Heeeello
H [ae] lLO matches Hello and Hallo, but not Hillo
H [^e] lLO matches hallo, hbllo does not match Hello
H [A-B] LLO matches HallO and HBLLO
The keys command is applicable to debugging in the test environment and cannot be used in the production environment. If the database is particularly large, the keys command can seriously affect performance.
If you want to find a key that matches your requirements, consider using the SCAN command or the set structure to store the data.
The return value
List: List of keys matching pattern
The sample> flushdb
OK> mset hello 1 hella 2 hetta 3
OK> keys hell*
1) "hello"
2) "hella"
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Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: O(N), where N is the number of keys in the database
The command format
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Command description
- delete
Current database
For all data, the command does not fail - This command is used by default
Way to delete all data from Redis 6.2 can be configuredlazyfree-lazy-user-flush = yes
To set the default deletion mode to asynchronous - In asynchronous deletion, only the keys that exist when the command is executed are deleted. The keys that are added between receiving the command and executing the command are not deleted
- Alternatively, you can specify synchronous or asynchronous deletion directly in the command
: Asynchronous deletionSYNC
: Synchronous deletion
The return value
The sample> set name jack
OK> get name
"jack"> flushdb
OK> get name
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Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: O(N), where N is the number of keys in the database
The command format
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Command description
- delete
All databases
The command does not fail for all keys in. - This command is used by default
Way to delete all data from Redis 6.2 can be configuredlazyfree-lazy-user-flush = yes
To set the default deletion mode to asynchronous - In asynchronous deletion, only the keys that exist when the command is executed are deleted. The keys that are added between receiving the command and executing the command are not deleted
- Alternatively, you can specify synchronous or asynchronous deletion directly in the command
: Asynchronous deletionSYNC
: Synchronous deletion
The return value
The sample > flushall OKCopy the code
Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: O(N), where N is the number of keys in the database
The command format
SELECT index
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Command description
- Select a logical database, default is
The configuration file contains the following configuration: Databases 16. The database is similar to a namespace. All databases are persisted to the same RDB/AOF file. But different databases can have the same key. likeFLUSHDB
Works only on specific databases- In practice, a database should hold different keys for the same application, rather than using Redis instances for different applications
- When using
Redis Cluster
Command is not available becauseRedis Cluster
Only database 0 is supported.
The return value
The sample> set age 10
OK> get age
#Switching database 1> select 1
OK[1]> get age
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Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: O(N), where N is the number of clients monitoring or blocking on both databases
The command format
SWAPDB index1 index2
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Command description
Swap two specified databases, causing the data of the two databases to be immediately interchanged.
For example, SWAPDB 0 1, clients connected to database 0 can immediately see data in database 1 and vice versa.
The return value
String: “OK”
The sample
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Available version: >= 1.0.0
Time complexity: the time complexity of single invocation is O(1), and the time complexity of complete iterative database is O(N), where N is the number of elements in the data set.
The command format
SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] [TYPE type]
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Command description
Of or relating to commandsSSCAN
The command,HSCAN
Commands andZSCAN
Commands are used to incrementally iterate over collection elementsSCAN
The command is used to iterate over database keys in the current database.SSCAN
The Set command iterates over elements in a Set structure.HSCAN
The Hash command is used to iterate over key-value pairs in a Hash structure.ZSCAN
The Sorted Set command is used to iterate over the elements and their scores in a Sorted Set.
- These commands can incrementally iterate through the entire database, returning only a small amount of data at a time, so they can be used in a production environment without worrying about images
Block the database as command. - like
And block commands that return all data at once;SCAN
Related commands only return a limited amount of data at a time, and can be called through multiple iterations to finally get the full amount of data. SCAN
Multiple commands function similarly, and parsing can cover up to four commands. The only difference is,SSCAN
The first argument to the command is the data structure to iterate overkey
And theSCAN
Command not requiredkey
Because theSCAN
The command is to traverse the current database.
Basic Usage of SCAN
SCAN is an iterator-based cursor, and each time a command is called, the server returns an updated cursor for the next call. The cursor needs to be set to 0 when the iteration begins, and the end of the iteration when Redis returns 0. Here is an example of a SCAN iteration:
First, set the cursor to 0, indicating the beginning of iteration. In the second iteration, 17 returned from the first iteration is used as the cursor, and the first return value of the second iteration is 0, indicating the end of the entire iteration process.
As can be seen from the example, SCAN returns two values, the first is the cursor value of the next iteration, and the second is the element array.
Redis > scan 0 1) 2) "17" 1) "key: 12" 2) "key: 8" 3) "key: 4" 4) "key: 14" 5) "is the key: 16" 6) "key: 17" 7) Key: 15 8) of "key: 10" 9) "key: 3" 10) "key: 7" 11) "key: 1" redis > 17 (1) "0" (2) scan 1) "key: 5" 2) "key: 18" 3) "key:0" 4) "key:2" 5) "key:19" 6) "key:13" 7) "key:6" 8) "key:9" 9) "key:11"Copy the code
Guarantee of the SCAN command
The SCAN command, as well as other commands in the SCAN family, guarantees the user the following after completing the iteration process:
- A complete iteration returns all elements in the collection from the beginning to the end of the iteration. That is, if an element is in the collection at the beginning of the iteration and is still in the collection at the end of the iteration, the element must be in the return value of one of the SCAN iterations.
- A complete iteration does not return elements from start to finish that do not exist in the collection. That is, if an element is removed before the iteration begins and is not added again throughout the iteration, SCAN guarantees that the element will not be returned.
Because SCAN uses cursors to represent traversal status, it has the following disadvantages:
- An element may be returned multiple times
- If an element does not always exist in the collection during iteration, it is uncertain whether the element can be returned.
Return the number of elements
The SCAN command family does not guarantee that the number of elements returned each time is within a given range. It is also possible for the command to return zero elements, but the iteration is not considered to be over as long as the return value is not zero.
However, the number of elements returned by iteration conforms to certain rules:
- If iterating over a large data set, each iteration returns about 10 elements.
- If iterating over a small dataset (a small Set, Hash, Sorted Set), the iteration might return all elements;
However, the user can use the COUNT option to adjust the order of magnitude of the element returned by each call.
The COUNT option
Although the SCAN command does not guarantee the number of elements returned, we can use the COUNT parameter to adjust the behavior of the command to some extent.
With the COUNT parameter, the user specifies the number of elements that should be returned in each iteration.
- although
The parameter is just a hint to the generation command, but in most cases it is valid. - When iterating through a larger collection, the number of elements returned each time is the COUNT value, or a little more;
- When iterating over a small collection, the command ignores the COUNT argument and returns all elements;
- The COUNT value used for each iteration can be different
MATCh options
Like the KEYS command above, the SCAN command can iterate over only the elements that meet the specified pattern. Such as:
Redis> sadd myset 12 3 foo foobar feelsgood (INTEGER) 6 redis> sscan myset 0 match f* 1) "0" 2) 1) "foo" 2) "feelsgood" 3) "foobar"Copy the code
Note that the MATCH parameter is filtered after the data is retrieved from the collection and then returned to the client. That is, if there are few elements that can be matched in the set, the data returned by each iteration will be small or even empty:
Redis> scan 0 MATCH *11* 1) "288" 2) 1) "key:911" redis> Scan 288 MATCH *11* 1) "224" 2) (empty list or set) redis> scan 224 MATCH *11* 1) "80" 2) (empty list or set) redis> scan 80 MATCH *11* 1) "176" 2) (empty list or set) redis> Scan 176 MATCH *11* COUNT 1000 1) "0" 2) 1) "key:611" 2) "key:711" 3) "key:118" 4) "key:117" 5) "key:311" 6) "key:112" 7) "key:111" 8) "key:110" 9) "key:113" 10) "key:211" 11) "key:411" 12) "key:115" 13) "key:116" 14) "key:114" 15) "key:119" 16) "key:811" 17) "key:511" 18) "key:11"Copy the code
As you can see from the above example, the previous calls returned little or no data, and the last one returned more matches by forcing the iteration of more elements by specifying COUNT=1000.
The TYPE parameter
Since Redis 6.0, you can return a specific TYPE of key by specifying the TYPE parameter. The TYPE parameter applies only to the SCAN command, not the SSCAN, HSCAN, and ZSCAN commands.
TYPE is the underlying data TYPE. For Geo, HyperLogLog, and Bitmap, the TYPE field cannot be distinguished, because the underlying implementation of these several are based on other basic types. For example, Geo is based on ZSET.
Redis> GEOADD geokey 00 value (integer) 1 redis> ZADD zkey 1000 value (integer) 1 redis> TYPE geokey zset redis> SCAN 0 TYPE zset 1) "0" 2) 1) "geokey" 2) "zkey"Copy the code
Like the MATCH option, the TYPE parameter is filtered after the data is retrieved and then returned to the client, so using this parameter does not reduce the number of elements that need to be traversed.
Execute multiple iterations concurrently
Because the iteration state is identified using a cursor, and the cursor state client saves it, multiple clients can iterate over a collection at the same time.
Stop iterating
Because iteration cursors are saved by the client, the server does not save state, and the client can stop iteration at will without affecting the server.
Iterating with the wrong cursor
Iterating with interrupts, negative values, out-of-range, or other illegal cursors does not crash the server, but can cause commands to behave in an unknown way. Valid bid values are as follows:
- The 0 value given at the beginning of the iteration
- The cursor value returned by the last iteration
A guarantee that the iteration is over
Iteration stops only if the size of the iterated dataset is within a given range, otherwise iterating over an ever-growing dataset may never stop.
It makes sense that a collection keeps growing, and if the iteration ends, you need to make sure that the iteration is faster than the growth, or you never stop iterating.
The return value
SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN, and ZSCAN all return two values. The first value is the updated cursor value and the second value is the array of elements.
- The array returned by SCAN is a list of keys
- The array returned by SSCAN is a list of Set elements
- The element array returned by HSCAN contains two elements: filed field and Value value
- The array of elements returned by ZSCAN contains two types of elements: elements and score values
The sample
Redis> hmset hash name Jack age 33 OK redis> hscan hash 0 1) "0" 2) 1) "name" 2) "Jack" 3) "age" 4) "33"Copy the code
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