The more scientific way of learning is to apply the knowledge after understanding, and to find some open source small projects to do is the best. You can’t learn to swim standing on the shore, you can’t lose weight by watching fitness videos, and you can’t learn to program without typing code yourself.

I found 8 more interesting small projects on the Internet, but also to modify some wrong code to make the program run up, the level of technical level is not uniform, you can choose their own projects to do.

One, snake

Snake is more classic project, but the Internet to find some contains the source code for project operation is problematic, who is also unable to find, finally only yourself to change, change the snake is a little slow, so I gave it increases the speed of crawling, ha, ha, ha, basically, few people can eat the speed to 5 red spots, not letter you try.

Project difficulty: ★★★

Two, Tetris

Tetris is the most common small game, not only classic, but also full of memories, use it to practice Python is the best.

Gameplay introduction: keyboard arrow keys around the control of the left and right movement, up and down the control box deformation.

Project difficulty: ★★★

Three, hacker code rain

Project difficulty: ★★

4. Roses

Project difficulty: ★★

5. Real-time clock

Project difficulty: ★★

Six, page

Project difficulty: ★★

Seven, rainbow

Project difficulty: ★★

Eight, rock paper scissors

This is a very simple and computer PK rock-paper-scissors game, the use of knowledge is also very simple, the use of things is the conditional judgment statement, basically as long as it is to learn the Python foundation can make, very suitable for just learn soon to do the small white, this small game also has a lot to be improved, Try making a rock-paper-scissors game that you like.

Project difficulty: ★

Article I will not put the source code, otherwise the length is too long, the source code can be liked and collection after private chat with me, I give you the source code.