Why did you choosejest
Jest is a testing framework developed on Facebook that makes testing easier for me. Jest automatically integrates assertions, JSDom, coverage reporting, and all the testing tools a developer needs, making it a testing framework with almost zero configuration.
Actually, my reason is because
- It is an open source JavaScript testing framework
- I haven’t used anything else
- Welcome everyone to speak out 🙂
Install Nuxt
NPM run test
Write an example yourself
Create two new files in the test directory
- sum.js
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
module.exports = sum;
Copy the code
- sum.test.js
const sum = require('./sum');
test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
Copy the code
Run again
Enter the project and open the file jest.config.js
- collectCoverage
- This can slow down your test execution significantly by revisiting all executed files with coverage collection statements
module.exports = {
moduleNameMapper: { / / similar webpack. Resolve. Alias
'^ @ / (. *) $': '<rootDir>/$1'.'^ ~ / (. *) $': '<rootDir>/$1'.'^vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.common.js'
moduleFileExtensions: ['js'.'vue'.'json']./ / similar webpack. Resolve. Extensions
transform: { / / similar webpack. Module. Rules
'^.+\\.js$': 'babel-jest'.'.*\\.(vue)$': 'vue-jest'
'collectCoverage': false.// Indicates whether coverage information is collected at test time
'collectCoverageFrom': [ // 类似 webpack 的 rule.include
'<rootDir>/components/**/*.vue'.'<rootDir>/pages/**/*.vue']}Copy the code
Run again
Vscode set
Install the jest
Configure in the file directoryjest.config
The path
You can now see the output of Jest in real time
Write your first vue.js component unit test in Jest
The official VueJS test library vue/test-utils
Directory, add a few files
<li v-for="message in messages">
{{ message }}
export default {
name: 'list'.props: ['messages']}</script>
Copy the code
Example Modify index.vue in the Pages directory
<div id="app">
<MessageList :messages="messages" />
import MessageList from "~/components/MessageList";
export default {
name: "app".data: (a)= > ({ messages: ["Hey John"."Howdy Paco"]}),components: {
#app {
font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
text-align: center;
color: #2c3e50;
margin-top: 60px;
Copy the code
Start writing our test file
Write a file named index.test.js in the test directory
import Vue from "vue";
import pageIndex from '@/pages/index.vue'
describe("index.test.js", () = > {let cmp, vm;
beforeEach((a)= > {
cmp = Vue.extend(pageIndex); // Create a copy of the original component
vm = new cmp({
data: {
// Replace data value with this fake data
messages: ["Cat"]
}).$mount(); // Instances and mounts the component
it('equals messages to ["Cat"]', () => {
Copy the code
Look at the input/NPM run test, the test should run and pass.
Snapshots function
Add an IT
it("has the expected html structure", () => {
Copy the code
Run again generates the following file
There’s a big problem here: Unit tests must be tested as a separate unit, which means index.test.js we test APP components without affecting anything else. Imagine, for example, that a child component (MessageList in this case) performs a side effect operation on a Created hook, such as calling a FETCH, Vuex action, or state change? Isn’t that what we want?
Shallow rendering
Shallow shading is a technique for ensuring that components are rendered without child objects
- Test only the components to be tested (unit tests)
- Avoid side effects that child components can have, such as making HTTP calls, calling storage operations…
Rewrite the index. Test. Js
import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import pageIndex from '@/pages/index.vue'
describe("index.test.js", () = > {let cmp;
beforeEach((a)= > {
cmp = shallowMount(pageIndex, {
// Create a shallow instance of the component
data: {
messages: ["Cat"]}}); }); it('equals messages to ["Cat"]', () = > {// Within cmp.vm, we can access all Vue instance methods
it("has the expected html structure", () => {
Copy the code
SnapShots are checked and indexes are isolated. If there are any hooks in child components, they are not called, such as created.
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`App.test.js has the expected html structure 1`] = ` <div id="app" > <! -- --> </div> `;
Copy the code
New MessageList. Test. Js
import { mount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import MessageList from "~/components/MessageList";
describe("MessageList.test.js", () = > {let cmp;
beforeEach((a)= > {
cmp = mount(MessageList, {
// Be aware that props is overridden using `propsData`
propsData: {
messages: ["Cat"]}}); }); it('has received ["Cat"] as the message property', () => {
it("has the expected html structure", () => {
Copy the code
npm run test