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Node.js installation and environment configuration, simple use of NPM, Koa framework scaffolding and common middleware were introduced in the previous article “Developing Restful API services using The Koa Framework of Node.js”. In this article, we will set up an API service framework in detail and use the common middleware of Koa.

The project structure

Koa-api -- Project name Controller -- Controller config -- Configuration file Model -- Model Entity object Routers -- Static -- Static resource utils -- tool library app.js Project startup fileCopy the code

The controller

Handler methods specify URL mappings, process business logic, respond to user requests, get request data, and return data.

Create a UserController (usercontroller.js) in the controller folder.

/** * UserController */ const result = require('.. /model/Result'); Class UserController {// userInfo async userInfo(CTX, next) {//TODO gets userInfo // result.code = 1; = { name: 'admin', pwd: "12346" }; Result. MSG = "commit successfully "; ctx.body = result } } module.exports = new UserController();Copy the code

Entity model

Corresponding to the table structure entities in the database, you can also customize the generic entity objects.

Create a uniform return data object (result.js) and user information (userinfo.js) in the model folder.

/ / module.exports = {code: 0, data: null, MSG: ""}Copy the code

Route (KOA-Router)

Routing is the ability to access through URLS, pass parameters, send and get data through GET, POST, etc.

Create a routing file (index.js) in the routers folder

/** */ const Router = require('koa-router'); const userCtrl = require('.. /controller/UserController'); const config = require('.. /config'); Let router = new router ({prefix: config.apiprefix}); let router = new router ({prefix: config.apiprefix}); Router.get ('/user/userinfo', userCtrl.userinfo); // User module router.get('/user/userinfo', userCtrl.userinfo); module.exports = router;Copy the code

Static resources (KOA-static)

Static Web hosting service KOA -static middleware is mainly used to deal with static resources, can directly access files through THE URL, such as: images, styles, Javascript, JSON files, etc., can also set up picture cache.

/* / const static = require('koa-static'); Const staticPath = './static'; app.use(static( path.join(__dirname, staticPath) ));Copy the code


Encapsulate some public methods needed by the project into a class library, such as Cookie, sessionStorage, localStorage, AXIos, etc

Create utility library files (tools.js, request.js) in folder utils

Export setCookie = function setCookie(name, value, time) { if (time) { let strsec = getsec(time) let exp = new Date() exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + parseInt(strsec)) document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + '; Expires =' + exp. ToGMTString ()} else {document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value)}} // Read cookies export let getCookie = function(name) { let reg = new RegExp('(^| )' + name + '=([^;] (*). |$)') let arr = document.cookie.match(reg) return arr ? unescape(arr[2]) : Var exp = new Date() exp. SetTime (exp. GetTime () -1) var cval  = getCookie(name) if (cval ! = null) { document.cookie = name + '=' + cval + '; expires=' + exp.toGMTString() } }Copy the code

The configuration file

Used to manage and set the values of some common constants used in the project, such as: database configuration, log configuration, third party request service, etc.

Create config file (index.js) in config

/** * configuration file: database configuration/log configuration/service configuration /...... */ /** * set API uniform path prefix */ const apiPrefix = "/ API "; /** * MySql dataBase configuration */ const dataBase = {port: 3000, // dataBase: {host: 'localhost', port: '3306', user: 'root', password: '123456', database: 'test' } }; module.exports = { apiPrefix, dataBase };Copy the code

Start the file app.js

This is the startup file of the project, which is also the most important content. It initializes the loading of other modules. Such as: route loading, static resource loading, log module loading, cross-domain module, start listening port and so on.

const Koa = require('koa'); const path = require('path'); const logger = require('koa-logger'); // log middleware const Router = require('koa-router'); // const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser'); // const static = require('koa-static'); // const cors = require('koa-cors'); // More than one of these two areas needs to be connected to the phones. // More than one area needs to be connected to the phones. // // Routing service const app = new Koa(); App.use (cors()) // Allow cross-domain access to app.use(logger()); // Run log content custom app.use(bodyParser()); Const staticPath = './static'; app.use(static( path.join(__dirname, staticPath) )); // Let routerHome = new Router(); Routerhome.get ('/', async(CTX, next) => {ctx.body = 'Welcome to Koa API! '; }); / / load all routing app. Use (routerHome. Routes ()). The use (routerHome. AllowedMethods ()); app.use(registerRouters.routes()).use(registerRouters.allowedMethods()); Listen (3000, () => {console.log('Koa API starts at port 3000'); Console. log("API access: http://localhost:3000"); });Copy the code

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