An old friend of The Weekly, Mr. Daming, has written a new book, Learning iOS Programming with Daming.

This is a new book, and it’s different from the geek Hour column. Suitable for developers interested in iOS, and experienced iOS developers to learn.

This paper mainly explains the core knowledge points involved in iOS application development, which is divided into three chapters: Swift, compiler and big front-end technology in iOS, and comprehensively analyzes iOS development from three aspects: application, advancement and future. Content from shallow to deep, step by step. So you don’t have to worry about not understanding, not to mention not enough dry goods! This is also a “special” book, special in that all the illustrations are drawn by Dai himself. I was really impressed by the beautiful man with good technique and good drawing. Here are a few photos to get a feel for it:

This is a hard extension, so you have to send out a wave of benefits. There are three benefits.

  1. Micro blog forward lucky draw:…

Five signed copies of “Learning iOS Programming with Daming: Straightening out the Core Knowledge points” are presented. If you search “iOS Weekly” and forward the top weibo, you can participate in the lucky draw of “Learn iOS Programming with Daming”.

  1. WeChat small programs to identify lottery:…

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For those who can’t wait, scan the QR code below to buy the book. (49 copies, Almost whole price)

  1. Get geek Time’s “iOS Developer’s Class” at a discount: