1. Introduction

1.1,Learning Git Branch:

Learn the best Git games and tutorials at Learngitbranching.js.org

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For both beginners and veterans, it is a good way to understand the core of Git. It is the best Git tutorial in my opinion.

1.3, do here is not found more and more difficult, there is a desire to see the standard answer?

Ok, meet you, console input: show solution to view the answer!

Article 2. The practical experience

2.1 Installation environment and startup

Download Git for Windows from git-for-windows.github. IO /

2.1.2 Installation steps: Continue next until Finish.

2.2. Local repository initialization

2.2.1 initializing the repository: Git init

2.2.2 Checking the repository status: Git status

Git config –global core.quotepath false

2.2.4 Submit all documents: git add-a

2.2.5. Enter registered on GitHub website

Git config –global user.name “git config”

Git config –global user.email “git config –global user.email”

SSH key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -c “your email”

2.2.9, in c/Users/Administrator /. SSH/id_rsa) found directly copy the SSH key file

2.2.10 connect to Github

2.2.11. Open GitHub and enter Setting to find the SSH key and create a new one

2.2.12. Run SSH -t [email protected] to test whether the connection is successful

2.3. Create a remote repository on Github

2.3.1 New warehouse

2.3.2. Customize the warehouse name

Connect locally to GitHub repositories

2.3.4, the key step is coming, look carefully!

2.4. Go back to the local warehouse and follow the following steps one by one!

2.4.1 create a readme.md to describe the project: git add readme.md

2.4.2 Git Commit

2.4.3 Creating a new git branch

2.4.4, remote connection you copy the SSH keys: git remote add origin [email protected]: kuishou68 / React. Git

2.4.5, push your entire project: Git push -u origin main

Refresh your GitHub after uploading.

If the new warehouse do not know how to delete?

End, scatter flowers!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

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