Is it hard to develop an IDE? This can be a difficult task, but when we look at VSCode’s technical architecture, the development process is much smoother. From kernel development, code editor, view structure to plug-in system, we can see many aspects of IDE development. If you’ve delved deeper into VSCode, you’ll be inspired, but before you do, take a look at this recommendation.

High overlook

The height of the sky, feel the universe is infinite

Basic technology

Learn how to develop large IDE projects from VSCode

VSCode is a very popular Microsoft open source code editor. It satisfies the diversity of plug-in ecology while ensuring the robustness and performance of software, thanks to its excellent plug-in kernel architecture design. The writer is the ant gold service cloud swallowtail team members, this paper the key technology of VSCode architecture made a deep analysis and understanding, including the layered isolation and extension mechanism, dependency injection and command system, plug-in architecture and so on, if you are building an extensible software system, this interpretation is well worth to learn the reference. In fact, VSCode’s excellent architecture depends on its focused and restrained product positioning — “editor + code understanding + debugging”, leaving the rest to the community ecosystem to expand. The most perfect design is often simplified to the point where subtraction is impossible.

Front End: Learn plug-in architecture with open source projects

Microkernel (plug-in) architecture is widely used in software system design, for example, Vue. Use (Plugin) is a simple plug-in design. Microkernel architecture can not only meet the characteristics of flexible expansion, but also does not affect the system stability. Based on the watermelon video player project, this paper expounds the practical application of microkernel architecture. In the player, a small play button or a large live broadcast function can be understood as a plug-in module. The author fits the succinct code, tells the plug-in system plug-in management, connection and communication of the whole process, very easy to understand.

Graphics programming

UI Interactive effects compilation

This collection is a collection of recent transitions to move more creative UI interaction effect, you can see many different from the idea of common transitions interaction, such as the combination of the corrugated deformation and transitions, graphics, animation, and such as using arc the change of color piece transitions, etc., has published eight phase of the content, the design of the dynamic effect on web pages with the design requirements or development can browse information, At the same time, feel the gentle curve in the excellent dynamic effect design.

The ARCore Depth API solves the occlusion problem

Depth API for Depth of field algorithm in AR development scenarios is released. With this API, developers can more accurately deal with the occlusion relationship between virtual objects and real objects when developing AR scenes on Android devices that support ARCore, completely eliminating the “mapping” problem of virtual objects and perspective relationship, making the virtual object immersion effect more realistic. There are more application scenarios and plenty of GIFs to demonstrate.

Desktop development

The latest development of Flutter on the desktop is that It now supports packaging Windows and Linux applications

Flutter aims to support as many platforms and devices as possible. We already know that Flutter works well on iOS and Android devices, but how does it work on the desktop? Tim Sneath, Product manager of Flutter, shared their latest progress in a recent blog post about their support for packaging Windows and Linux applications, how to call native components from different desktop systems, and updating the plugin model to make it easier for developers to support different platforms. Tim Sneath also shared that some developers have launched the latest desktop applications using Flutter. You can also follow this article to give Flutter a try and see if it meets your needs. Translation:…

Server-side development

Easy-Monitor3 starts your node.js kernel performance monitoring journey

Easy-monitor3 is an open source kernel sampling and collection tool based on node.js Addon implementation, with full Web UI support (APM), private deployment support, and full platform support. It can be used for memory leak analysis, performance bottleneck analysis, and alarm monitoring.

Tool to promote

AutoCannon: An HTTP compression tool

AutoCannon is a pressure tool written in Node that generates more load than WRK. There are many similar products on the market, from the old AB, to soap UI with a graphical interface. However, AutoCannon can be easily invoked from the command line and even from within code, which makes it very convenient to write pressure test scripts. It can also be used in conjunction with Node Clinic to locate performance problems.

The sea gleanings

The sea, product kuibu and thousands of miles

Implement a simple but fun AR effect

After watching Depth API like AR wave, I don’t know if you have a heart? If you want to get started with AR quickly, try this simple effect to give you a quick understanding of Web AR. These foundations can help us go further on the ROAD to AR.

Collision detection — a special effect from life

There are many common 2D collision detection techniques available on the Web, and with these practical tips, you can have a much better experience on a specific page. Are you familiar with these methods? “Contains a Canvas based running instance, picture description”

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Look up, dandelion seeds will take root and germinate, such as summer flowers gorgeous; Ge Ge Zhi zhi, we climb to overlook, the sea gleaned, in order to product silicon step to thousands of miles.

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