Project initialization

Yarn init -y // Initialize a package.json fileCopy the code

Create a cli.js for the command line call

console.log('this is cli.js')
Copy the code

Run the Node CLI.


Commander is widely used in command-line development

Comamnder has several commonly used apis

  1. program.version

Program.version can be the current version that the user knows about, and we can dynamically assign it directly via package.json

const pkg = require('./package.json');
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  1. process.argv

Process. argv is an array that can be used to retrieve commands entered by the user

Process.argv. length tells us how many words the user has entered

  1. program.option
program.option('-x, --xxx', 'wait the x')
Copy the code

Program. option is used for commands that require the user to enter –

  1. program.command
The program. The command (' clear '). The description (' clear all tasks'). The action (() = > {/ /... });Copy the code

The program.command command is used to set the command that the user does not need to enter “-“. It can process some complex logic.

Imports and exports in Node

Nodejs is different from JS in that it has a special export method

// Exports const obj = {} module.exports = obj // imports const obj = require('... ')Copy the code

Home directory and concatenation path

  1. Obtaining the home path
const homedir = process.env.HOME || require('os').homedir(); // require(' OS ').homedir() Gets the HOME path of the systemCopy the code
  1. Stitching path
const p = require('path')
const dbpath = p.join(homedir, '.todo2')
Copy the code

Fs file system

With fs in Node, we can do reads/writes and so on

  1. fs.readFile
fs.readFile(path, {flag: 'a+'}, (err, data) => {
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{flag: ‘a+’} : If no such file exists, create one

  1. fs.writeFile
fs.writeFile(path, data, (error) => {
Copy the code

Since the above method is an asynchronous operation, we can use Promise to do something with the callback function.


Inquirer is a menu-like library on the command line

Note: Choice in inquirer can be an array, object, or function. When it is an object, value should be a string (not a number), otherwise it may be buggy

Published to the NPM

  1. package.json
  • Name must be a unique value
  • Bin Issues subsequent commands
  • Files Files used by the command line
  • The main file entry for the main program

  1. You need to add shebang to the CLI file
  • #! /usr/bin/env node
  1. Add executable permissions to the project file by pointing to chmod +x xxx.js

  2. Use NRM use NPM to switch the NPM source to the original source

  3. NPM adduser Logs in to the NPM

  4. NPM released the publish

How do I distribute a TS NPM package

  1. Install typescript globally
  2. Run TSC –init to initialize a tsconfig.json
  3. Create a dist directory and change outDir in config to “dist/”
  4. Run tsc-p.
  5. Change files in package.json to [“dist/**/*.js”]
  6. The rest is the same as publishing normal packages