The official documentation
The AsynC_HOOKS module provides an API for tracking asynchronous resources. AsyncLocalStorage Api from Async_hooks of Node.js was used in a recent project. I have heard of async_hooks before, but have not practiced them, so take the opportunity to learn more about them.
What are asynchronous resources
Asynchronous resources here refer to objects with associated callbacks, which have the following characteristics:
- Callbacks can be called once or more. For example, creates a FSReqCallback object that listens for complete events and executes a callback once the asynchronous operation is complete, while Net.createserver creates a TCP object that listens for connection events and executes the callback multiple times.
- Resources can be closed before a callback is called
- AsyncHook is an abstraction of these asynchronous resources, regardless of the asynchrony differences
- If worker is used, each thread creates a separate asynC_hooks interface that uses separate asyncId.
Why track asynchronous resources
Because Node.js is based on the asynchronous non-blocking I/O model of an event loop, an asynchronous call is made and the callback is called later in the loop, so there is no way to track who made the asynchronous call.
The scene of a
const fs = require('fs')
function callback(err, data) {
console.log('callback', data)
fs.readFile("a.txt", callback)
console.log('after a')
fs.readFile("b.txt", callback)
console.log('after b')
// after a
// after b
// callback undefined
// callback undefined
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We used the above example to represent node asynchronous I/O, and the result was as expected. Which callback is which? Do YOU execute a or B first? -> We cannot confirm the call chain from the log
Scenario 2
function main() {
setTimeout(() = > {
throw Error(1)},0)
// Error: 1
// at Timeout._onTimeout (/Users/zhangruiwu/Desktop/work/async_hooks-test/stack.js:3:11)
// at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
// at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)
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Asynchronous callbacks throw exceptions and do not get the full call stack. Event loops break the link between asynchronous calls and callbacks. I: broken string, how to connect? Async_hooks: HEARD someone asked for me 👀
Here’s the official overview:
const async_hooks = require('async_hooks');
// Returns asyncId for the current execution context.
const eid = async_hooks.executionAsyncId();
// Returns asyncId that triggers the current execution context.
const tid = async_hooks.triggerAsyncId();
// Create asyncHook instances and register various callbacks
const asyncHook =
async_hooks.createHook({ init, before, after, destroy, promiseResolve });
// Enable asyncHook to execute callback only after asyncHook is enabled
/ / close asyncHook
// Here is the callback passed to createHook.
// Initialize the hook function for an asynchronous operation
function init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) {}// The hook function before the asynchronous callback is executed may fire multiple times
function before(asyncId) {}// The hook function after the asynchronous callback is complete
function after(asyncId) {}// The hook function for asynchronous resource destruction
function destroy(asyncId) {}// The hook function that invokes promiseResolve
function promiseResolve(asyncId) {}Copy the code
When asyncHook is enabled, each asynchronous resource fires these lifecycle hooks. The following describes the parameters of init:
Unique ID of the asynchronous resource. The id starts from 1 and increments
A string that identifies an asynchronous resource. The following are some of the built-in types, which can also be customized
RANDOMBYTESREQUEST, TLSWRAP, Microtask, Timeout, Immediate, TickObject
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AsyncId of the asynchronous resource that triggers initialization of the current asynchronous resource.
const { fd } = process.stdout;
init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId) {
const eid = async_hooks.executionAsyncId();
`${type}(${asyncId}): trigger: ${triggerAsyncId} execution: ${eid}\n`);
net.createServer((conn) = > {}).listen(8080);
// Output after startup:
// TCPSERVERWRAP(4): trigger: 1 execution: 1 #
// TickObject(5): trigger: 4 execution: 1 # listen
// nc localhost 8080
// TCPWRAP(6): trigger: 4 Execution: 0 # connect callback
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When a new connection is established, an instance of TCPWrap is created, which is executed from C++ without a js stack, so executionAsyncId is 0. But then you don’t know which asynchronous resource caused it to be created, so you need triggerAsyncId to declare which asynchronous resource is responsible for it.
An object representing an asynchronous resource from which you can obtain some data related to the asynchronous resource. For example, an asynchronous resource object of type GETADDRINFOREQWRAP provides a hostname.
Use the sample
Let’s take a look at an official example:
const { fd } = process.stdout;
let indent = 0;
init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId) {
const eid = async_hooks.executionAsyncId();
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
`${indentStr}${type}(${asyncId}) : ` +
` trigger: ${triggerAsyncId} execution: ${eid}\n`);
before(asyncId) {
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
fs.writeSync(fd, `${indentStr}before: ${asyncId}\n`);
indent += 2;
after(asyncId) {
indent -= 2;
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
fs.writeSync(fd, `${indentStr}after: ${asyncId}\n`);
destroy(asyncId) {
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
fs.writeSync(fd, `${indentStr}destroy: ${asyncId}\n`);
net.createServer().listen(8080.() = > {
// Let's wait 10ms before logging the server started.
setTimeout(() = > {
console.log('> > >', async_hooks.executionAsyncId());
}, 10);
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Output after starting the service:
TCPSERVERWRAP(4): trigger: 1 execution: 1# listen Create TCP server, listen for connect event TickObject(5): trigger: 4 execution: 1The execute user callback is placed in nextTickbefore: 5
Timeout(6): trigger: 5 execution: 5 # setTimeout
after: 5
destroy: 5
before: 6
>>> 6
TickObject(7): trigger: 6 execution: 6 # console.log
after: 6
before: 7
after: 7
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The official interpretation of the second line of TickObject is that unbinding the port without hostname is a synchronous operation, so putting the user callback into nextTick makes it an asynchronous callback. So a mian (thinking) test (shi) comes, ask output:
const net = require('net');
net.createServer().listen(8080.() = > {console.log('listen')})
Promise.resolve().then(() = > console.log('c'))
process.nextTick(() = > { console.log('b')})console.log('a')
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Since console.log is an asynchronous operation, AsyncHooks callbacks are also triggered. So executing console in AsyncHooks callback loops indefinitely:
const { createHook } = require('async_hooks');
init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) {
// internal/async_hooks.js:206
// fatalError(e);
/ / ^
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
// (Use `node --trace-uncaught ... ` to show where the exception was thrown)
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Can be synchronized to a file or standard output:
const { fd } = process.stdout / / 1
init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) {
// console.log(222)
writeSync(fd, '222\n')
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How do I track asynchronous resources
We use AsyncHooks to solve the above two scenarios:
The scene of a
const fs = require('fs')
const async_hooks = require('async_hooks');
const { fd } = process.stdout;
let indent = 0;
init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId) {
const eid = async_hooks.executionAsyncId();
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
`${indentStr}${type}(${asyncId}) : ` +
` trigger: ${triggerAsyncId} execution: ${eid} \n`);
before(asyncId) {
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
fs.writeSync(fd, `${indentStr}before: ${asyncId}\n`);
indent += 2;
after(asyncId) {
indent -= 2;
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
fs.writeSync(fd, `${indentStr}after: ${asyncId}\n`);
destroy(asyncId) {
const indentStr = ' '.repeat(indent);
fs.writeSync(fd, `${indentStr}destroy: ${asyncId}\n`);
function callback(err, data) {
console.log('callback', data)
fs.readFile("a.txt", callback)
console.log('after a')
fs.readFile("b.txt", callback)
console.log('after b')
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FSREQCALLBACK(4): trigger: 1 execution: 1 # a
after a
TickObject(5): trigger: 1 execution: 1
FSREQCALLBACK(6): trigger: 1 execution: 1 # b
after b
before: 5
after: 5
before: 4
callback undefined
TickObject(7): trigger: 4 execution: 4 # trigger by a
after: 4
before: 7
after: 7
before: 6
callback undefined
TickObject(8): trigger: 6 execution: 6 # trigger by b
after: 6
before: 8
after: 8
destroy: 5
destroy: 7
destroy: 4
destroy: 8
destroy: 6
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So the first callback is A, and the second callback is B
Scenario 2
const async_hooks = require('async_hooks');
function stackTrace() {
const obj = {}
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, stackTrace)
return obj.stack
const asyncResourceMap = new Map(a); async_hooks.createHook({init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId) {
asyncResourceMap.set(asyncId, {
stack: stackTrace()
destroy(asyncId) {
function main() {
setTimeout(() = > {
throw Error(1)},0)
function getTrace(asyncId) {
if(! asyncResourceMap.get(asyncId)) {return ' ';
const resource = asyncResourceMap.get(asyncId);
if(resource? .triggerAsyncId) { getTrace(resource? .triggerAsyncId); }console.log(`${resource? .type}(${resource? .asyncId})\n${resource.stack}`)
process.on('uncaughtException'.(err) = > {
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at AsyncHook.init (/Users/zhangruiwu/Desktop/work/async_hooks-test/async-error.js:16:14)
at emitInitNative (internal/async_hooks.js:199:43)
at emitInitScript (internal/async_hooks.js:467:3)
at initAsyncResource (internal/timers.js:157:5)
at new Timeout (internal/timers.js:191:3)
at setTimeout (timers.js:157:19)
at main (/Users/zhangruiwu/Desktop/work/async_hooks-test/async-error.js:25:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/zhangruiwu/Desktop/work/async_hooks-test/async-error.js:30:1)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
at Object.Module._extensions.. js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
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AsyncHooks + Error. CaptureStackTrace can trace the entire call chain
Performance impact
Using AsyncHook incurs some performance…Here is my local run data, you can see that registering only init hooks is not expensive, but registering all hooks is quite expensive. Here’s another reason why.
// Node v14.16.0: regular hapiserver: 11734.73 reqs. Init hapiserver: 8768.21 reqs. Regular koAServer: 17418.8 reqs. init KoAServer: 17183.6 reqs. full koAServer: 14097.82 reqs.Copy the code
The practical application
Clinic’s performance testing tool bubbleProfe-clinic. Js uses AsyncHooks + error.capturestackTrace to trace the call chain.
Asynchronous resources can be customized
const { AsyncResource, executionAsyncId } = require('async_hooks');
// Generally used for extend, to instantiate an asynchronous resource
const asyncResource = new AsyncResource(
type, { triggerAsyncId: executionAsyncId(), requireManualDestroy: false});// Run the function in the execution context of the asynchronous resource:
// * Create an asynchronous resource context
// * trigger before
// * Execute the function
// * Trigger after
// * Restore the original execution contextasyncResource.runInAsyncScope(fn, thisArg, ... args);/ / triggers destory
/ / return asyncID
/ / return triggerAsyncId
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Here’s an example
class MyResource extends asyncHooks.AsyncResource {
constructor() {
close() {
this.emitDestroy(); }}function p() {
return new Promise(r= > {
setTimeout(() = > {
}, 1000)})}let resource = new MyResource;
resource.runInAsyncScope(async() = > {console.log('hello')
await p()
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We can see that the function passed in by runInAsyncScope is executed in our custom asynchronous resource callback:
my-resource(4): trigger: 1 execution: 1
before: 4
PROMISE(5): trigger: 4 execution: 4
TickObject(6): trigger: 4 execution: 4
PROMISE(7): trigger: 4 execution: 4
Timeout(8): trigger: 4 execution: 4
PROMISE(9): trigger: 7 execution: 4
after: 4
before: 6
after: 6
destroy: 4
destroy: 6
before: 8
after: 8
before: 9
after: 9
destroy: 8
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Used to create asynchronous states in callback and Promise chains. It allows data to be stored for the entire life cycle of a Web request or any other asynchronous duration. Similar to thread local storage (TLS) in other languages.
const http = require('http');
const { AsyncLocalStorage } = require('async_hooks');
const asyncLocalStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();
function logWithId(msg) {
const id = asyncLocalStorage.getStore();
console.log(`${id ! = =undefined ? id : The '-'}: `, msg);
let idSeq = 0;
http.createServer((req, res) = > {, () = > {
// Imagine any chain of async operations here
setImmediate(() = > {
// Prints:
// 0: start
// 1: start
// 0: finish
// 1: finish
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Realize the principle of…
const storageList = [];
const storageHook = createHook({
init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) {
const currentResource = executionAsyncResource();
// Value of currentResource is always a non null object
for (let i = 0; i < storageList.length; ++i) { storageList[i]._propagate(resource, currentResource); }}});class AsyncLocalStorage {
constructor() {
this.kResourceStore = Symbol('kResourceStore');
this.enabled = false;
disable() {
if (this.enabled) {
this.enabled = false;
// If this.enabled, the instance must be in storageList
storageList.splice(storageList.indexOf(this), 1);
if (storageList.length === 0) { storageHook.disable(); }}}// Propagate the context from a parent resource to a child one
_propagate(resource, triggerResource) {
const store = triggerResource[this.kResourceStore];
if (this.enabled) {
resource[this.kResourceStore] = store; }}enterWith(store) {
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true;
const resource = executionAsyncResource();
resource[this.kResourceStore] = store;
run(store, callback, ... args) {
const resource = new AsyncResource('AsyncLocalStorage');
return resource.runInAsyncScope(() = > {
returncallback(... args); }); }exit(callback, ... args) {
if (!this.enabled) {
returncallback(... args); }this.enabled = false;
try {
returncallback(... args); }finally {
this.enabled = true; }}getStore() {
const resource = executionAsyncResource();
if (this.enabled) {
return resource[this.kResourceStore]; }}}Copy the code
- Create AsyncResource, store store
Open asyncHook (init)
Execute the function passed in by run
Init callback is triggered when a new asynchronous resource is created
Passes the store of the current asynchronous resource to the new asynchronous resource
So on
GetStore: Gets the store from the current asynchronous resource
Performance impact
KuzzleThe difference between using AsyncLocalStorage and not using it is ~ 8%There are also issues in the community that track ALS performance issues:AsyncLocalStorage kills 97% of performance in anasync
· Nodejs /nodeThe above issue is very interesting, the title is ALS kills 97% of the performance, but later someone commented that this test is not representative, change the test function, ALS has little impact.
let fn = async() = >/test/.test('test');
Performed 180407 iterations to warmup
Performed 205741 iterations (with ALS enabled)
Performed 6446728 iterations (with ALS disabled)
ALS penalty: 96.8%
let fn = promisify(setTimeout).bind(null.2);
Performed 44 iterations to warmup
Performed 4214 iterations (with ALS enabled)
Performed 4400 iterations (with ALS disabled)
ALS penalty: 4.23%
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So the performance impact still needs to be evaluated in the context of actual application scenarios, and the loss from ALS may be insignificant compared to the business code.
Application scenarios
Realize the CLS
Continuation-local storage(CLS) is similar to thread-local storage(TLS) in other languages. It gets its name from the continuation-passing style(CPS) in functional programming. CPS is similar to the chain callback style in Node and is designed to maintain persistent data during chain function calls. Cls-hooked is a library for implementing CLS using async_hooks, and for versions that do not support async_hooks, asynchronous local-storage is implemented using ALS. Older versions will come back to CLS-Hooked, which is what this integration project will use. Here’s the official example
const { als } = require('asynchronous-local-storage')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
app.use((req, res, next) = > {
als.runWith(() = > {
}, { user: { id: 'defaultUser'}});// sets default values
app.use((req, res, next) = > {
// overrides default user value
als.set('user', { id: 'customUser' });
app.get('/'.(req, res) = > res.send({ user: als.get('user') }))
app.listen(port, () = > console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`))
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We can use it to share data across asynchronous call chains and call GET whenever and wherever we want to get data. Now that we can share data across the asynchronous call chain, does our middleware need to pass req, RES? The middleware design of both Express and KOA requires us to pass fixed parameters between each middleware, and to retrieve some of these we need to retrieve CTX from the middleware parameters. ALS is able to break this restriction. You don’t have to take CTX from a parameter, and you can do different things without this restriction, like midway’s integrated call scheme. Farrow, a functional framework that has become popular recently, also uses ALS to bring us a different development experience.
The resources
- Async hooks | Node. Js v16.1.0 Documentation
Making async_hooks fast (enough)
NodeJs async_hooks,
Use Async Hooks to handle HTTP request context for link tracing in Node.js
Blog. Kuzzle. IO/nodejs – 14 – a…
Itnext. IO/request – id -…
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