Unlike you young lords, we’re doing our best just to stay alive


1. Introduction

The options options

UglifyOptions compressors

{// Do not display warning message warnings: false, compress: {// Remove debugger drop_debugger: true, // Remove console.* drop_console: True, // Remove reference to console.log // for example, log = console.log, remove log, and remove console.log pure_funcs: ['console.log']}}Copy the code

The parallel multi-process

// Use multiple processes to compress parallel: trueCopy the code

Cache cache

// 使用缓存
Copy the code

ExtractComments annotation

// Leave comments // Extract a separate file [name].[hash].[ext].LICENSE extractComments: trueCopy the code


The installation

npm i uglifyjs-webpack-plugin -D
Copy the code


config .plugin('uglifyJs') .use(UglifyJsPlugin, [ { uglifyOptions: { warnings: false, compress: Drop_debugger: true, // Remove console.* function drop_console: True, // Remove a reference to console.log // for example, log = console.log, remove log, and remove console.log pure_funcs: ['console.log']}}, // Parallel run parallel: true, // Enable cache: true, // extractComments: true}])Copy the code

3. Pay attention to

1. The dev environment retains console, but the PROd environment does not have console. 2

The end of the

There were times today when I almost thought I met you and missed you

Good night ^_^

Refer to the link

  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin npm
  • Uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
  • Uglifyjs configuration items

Review past

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