Job Description: 1. Responsible for search engine optimization and promotion of Chuangchenghui platform; 2. Cooperated with the media department to check website manuscripts, extract keywords of news links, analyze keywords of web pages, and improve the ranking of the website in major search engines; 3. Analyzed and collected key word information of competitors to influence their competitive strategies; 4. Assist the brand director or brand manager to optimize the website structure and process, and assist the Marketing Department and brand media specialist to upload the release set of relevant activity pages; 5. Cooperate with media specialists and copywriters to promote brand pr releases; Edit and manage forums, search questions and other platforms; 6. Summarize and evaluate monthly and quarterly promotion optimization, and adjust periodic keywords according to the overall promotion strategy; And the network negative information monitoring, report for processing; 7, according to the whole year to provide the corresponding data, analysis and comparison, the rationality of keyword optimization, and the corresponding combination adjustment, in order to adapt to different stage goals and tasks. 1. College degree or above; 2, Strong expression ability, strong communication skills and communication skills, affinity, no experience with salary training; 3. Good at communication, strong desire to make money and self-discipline; 4, good conduct, no bad habits; 5. Strong sense of team work and customer service; 6, master computer, office automation, tools, use skills. Salary and benefits: 1. According to the different working years and working ability, the basic salary will be 4000 yuan/month with commission and performance, etc., and the comprehensive salary will be 6000-25000 yuan/month; The company will have 3-4 salary adjustment opportunities per year, and the salary increase will vary according to the performance of employees. 2. The company provides a full range of training for employees during the probation period, and helps employees quickly understand the platform and the company’s corporate culture through the trial process. 3. Regular employees purchase social security upon entry; 4, enjoy daily leave, statutory holidays, annual leave with pay; 5. Employees can enjoy project bonuses, holiday gifts, working profits, etc.; 6. The company provides activity funds, organizes department activities and dinners; Organize outdoor activities from time to time; Organize annual trips and so on. 7, free dormitory, the company has a gym.

I. Platform background: With the online system as the service carrier, Chuangchenghui platform builds chuangchenghui ecological chain integrating government, enterprises, venture capital, industrial parks and incubators. Through policy applications, entrepreneurship competitions, industrial summits, project docking, and investment and financing salons, we will provide talent, enterprises, and investment institutions to the government and help upgrade local industries. Ii. Platform Profile:

2. Platform positioning: global professional government and enterprise investment and ecological service chain; 3. Current status: The platform has settled more than 39,200 enterprises, and now provides entrepreneurship and innovation services for 187+ government institutions. The platform has settled 610+ investors and 1200+ cooperative institutions, guided more than 70 enterprises to settle down, and held more than 220 offline entrepreneurship and innovation activities.