
Unlimited reset 30 day trial tutorial

Applicable to all versions below IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.

Applicable to the full range of JetBrains products including IntelliJ IDEA, APPCode, CLion, DataGrip, GoLand, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine and WebStorm.

This document uses Windows IDEA as an example.

Tutorial shows

1. Reset IDEA

If your IDEA is newly installed, skip this step.

The old version of IDEA on the computer needs to be reset first. A reset script is provided that deletes the directories associated with software trials for jetBrains’s entire family of products (other configurations are not affected).

Script download links:… Extraction code: 6SY1

Reset script source code:

2. Click to try it

After resetting IDEA, open IDEA and select trial according to the illustration.

3. Install the reset plug-in

Reset to infinite IDEA need with the aid of a plug-in, download links:… Extraction code: 6SY1

  • You can usually install the plug-in by dragging the plug-in ZIP package directly into the IDE window.
  • If you can’t drag the installation, you can manually Install the Plugin From Disk… File -> Settings -> Plugins in the upper left corner.

At this point, you will be prompted that the plug-in was successfully installed.

4. Try plug-ins

The first time we need to manually reset and set the automatic reset, we don’t need to care!

Open the main interface of the plug-in according to the picture, and then check Auto Reset before per restart to automatically reset, there is no need for us to manually reset!

The main interface of the plug-in contains some display information, including two buttons and one check item:

  • Button: Reload Refreshes the display information on the interface.
  • Button: Reset Clicking will ask if you want to Reset the trial information and restart the IDE. Select Yes to perform the reset operation and restart the IDE to take effect, select No to do nothing. (This is manual reset mode)
  • Check items: Auto Reset before per restart If checked, the trial information will be automatically reset every time you restart/exit the IDE. You don’t need to do anything extra. (This is automatic reset mode)

5, the statement

This tutorial is for personal study and research only, not for commercial use!