Many article ids are regular and can crawl interface data or retrieve the content of the page
To prevent this from happening, we will use hashids encryption to generate irregular numbering
In this way, the data will not be crawled by people. I will demonstrate the detailed process below
Laravel – hashids dead simple url:
Install hashids in Laravel
Composer require vinkla/hashids v3.3.0Copy the code
PS: Since the latest vinkla/ Hashids version now supports 5.7, my Laravel version is 5.5, so I need the corresponding version number
Add it to the providers array in config/app.php
Vinkla\Hashids\HashidsServiceProvider::class,Copy the code
Add to the aliases array in config/app.php
'Hashids' => Vinkla\Hashids\Facades\Hashids::class,Copy the code
Config to generate the hashids.php configuration file
php artisan vendor:publishCopy the code
Change the salt value and encrypted output length for connections in hashids.php
Salt value can be any length of any character string, encryption and salt value has a direct relationship, salt value is the key to decryption. I directly take the key of the project as its salt value to make the project uniform and different projects have different encryption results.
'connections'= > ['main'= > ['salt' => env('APP_KEY'),
'length'= >'6',].'alternative'= > ['salt'= >'your-salt-string'.'length'= >'your-length-integer',]],Copy the code
How Hashids are encrypted and decrypted
- How encryption is used
Hashids::encode(123); // Returns the encrypted string o7gxkRCopy the code
- Note that the return value is an array
Hashids::decode('o7gxkR'); Array (1) {[0]=> int(123456)}Copy the code
- Encrypt multiple parameters simultaneously
Hashids: : encode (1, 2, 3); //KPCAigCopy the code
- Decrypts an encrypted string for multiple arguments
Hashids::decode('M0BKxg8cYSNrVAjp'After decryption) / / return an array of array (3) {[0] = > int (1) [1] = > int (2) [2] = > int (3)}Copy the code
- Switching different salt values and encryption lengths We may need to encrypt several different types of ids with different salt values and return lengths. So multiple arrays in the hashids of config can come in handy. The main array is the default connection, and you can add other encrypted arrays.
Hashids::connection('alternative')->decode("* *");Copy the code